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Virgule3 12-13-2006 07:33 AM

My new tattoo!
Here it is! I have two nieces and one nefew and each child has it's own ladybug on my body. Here is the latest for my god-daughter, Éliane...

(The tat's still very fresh so the white doesn't show yet, it is still red and the yellow looks orange because of the redness...)



McKidd 12-13-2006 07:41 AM

Hey that's really nice Sophie.
Did you have all your lady bugs done by the same artist?

Virgule3 12-13-2006 07:55 AM

No. Unfortunately...

The first two were done by Twig at Hart & Huntington in Las Vegas, last January when I was there for Internext. You live in England or Scottland apparently and you may not know the TV show INKED...

Anyway, there is this reality show, INKED, and it takes place at Hart & Huntington so I thought it would be cool to get inked there... The fact that I got two ladybugs there is *cool*. But the experience itself wasn't.

Twig was cold, didn't talk, did what he had to do, quick, well, efficiently (they are perfect) but that was it.

With Dave here, it is always fun, we talk, chat, laugh, etc... It's always a pleasant experience. Plus, yesterday, he admitted that if I had been younger, it would have worked between us! lol! He's 22 and adorable!

Anyway... That's it.


Here is my other tattoo done by Dave:


McKidd 12-13-2006 08:31 AM

Very nice!
I had not heard of this show you're talking about. Sounds like yet another television reality show that is knocking about. Shame it was a bit of a letdown for you.

Evil Chris 12-13-2006 08:32 AM

How many tats does that make for you now Sophie?

I still just have the one. A sun on my right shoulder. It took me 38 years to get it. All my life before that I was never interested in getting inked.

Too bad about your experience with Twig, but at least his work was done right as you say.

Virgule3 12-13-2006 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris
How many tats does that make for you now Sophie?

I still just have the one. A sun on my right shoulder. It took me 38 years to get it. All my life before that I was never interested in getting inked.

Too bad about your experience with Twig, but at least his work was done right as you say.

Well, including my three ladybugs, that's 5 tattoos and I have 6 piercings as well and the only three things that actually show are my new tattoo, my tongue piercing and my tragus (an ear piercing) hihihi!

The experience with Twig was not great but I have no regrets at all. My sister is f**ing jealous of me! lol! She loves the show. But yeah, they are very very well done so I can't complain! Yesterday, there was this very young girl where Dave works. She was crying... She came to see Dave to ask him if he could fix her tattoo... When Dave lifted her shirt, he discovered a huge tattoo on her back but there is not one straight line! She had already gotten a tattoo by Dave and she decided to go see someone else because Dave isn't cheap (but he's SO GOOD), well, she got a bad tattoo... So now, she has to pay Dave to fix it...

CHRIS: What is your tattoo? I wanna see!!!


stonegatherer 12-13-2006 10:55 AM

Sweet tats but Hart & Harrington ..... you must have money to burn.

Sid 12-13-2006 11:43 AM

Nice tattoos Sophie!


Funbrunette 12-13-2006 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by Globule
Here it is! I have two nieces and one nefew and each child has it's own ladybug on my body. Here is the latest for my god-daughter, Éliane...

(The tat's still very fresh so the white doesn't show yet, it is still red and the yellow looks orange because of the redness...)



I love it Sophie! Tattoos are addictive! I got 7 of them (very discreet) and I love my ink! :)

Panky 12-13-2006 05:00 PM

The lady bug is really cute. :D The one between your shoulder blades is pretty cool too.

Panky 12-13-2006 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris
It took me 38 years to get it. All my life before that I was never interested in getting inked.

Looks like I'm heading that way too. LOL! I'm 35 and still not inked yet. It's not that I'm not interested, I just don't know what I want. :nuts:

Gruntled 12-13-2006 09:26 PM

I'm in the same boat with Panky. I've wanted one for a long time, but change my mind of what I want it to be. When I'm totally settled on what it will be, I'm there.

The ladybugs are really cute!

dyonisus 12-14-2006 09:58 AM

Great lookin ink.. and it is cool that you have the series of lady bugs with such inportant meaning...

I have 5 total myself, not as inked up as some of my friend's, but I have my some pretty interesting stuff. Each has some sort of meaning, significance to them, kind of a tale of my life. All but 2 are designed by me and I doubt any future ones will ever be someone else's design. Ilove that I can use my own body as a canvas.

I am presently working on a sleeve. I am workignon incorporating a number of elements from the last few years that has significantly shaped who I am and who I am becoming.

stonegatherer 12-14-2006 10:05 AM

I have 8 nieces ans nephews ..... I can't afford tattoos for all of them. Hopefully my sisters slow down on the breeding.

Sarah_MaxCash 12-14-2006 01:26 PM

I am far too much of a wimp to get even a small one.

Funbrunette 12-14-2006 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by sarah_webinc
I am far too much of a wimp to get even a small one.

Doesn't hurt much, waxing is more painful! :laughout:

carol.prime 12-14-2006 03:07 PM

that was a very cute tattoo...that was nice. :):):)..

spideriux 12-14-2006 03:53 PM

mmm very nice tattoo

Virgule3 12-14-2006 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by Funbrunette
Doesn't hurt much, waxing is more painful! :laughout:

That is so true!!! And a bee's sting and pretty much everything is more painful than a tattoo!

It's slowly healing and it is looking better aned better everyday!

I'll post a picture after it is completely healed!


stonegatherer 12-14-2006 11:24 PM

I want a back piece ... but it's more than the back because it would have
to be up my neck ......

It's my own design (which i haven't finished), but can not do as long as I am
working for somebody else.

troll 12-15-2006 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by Globule
No. Unfortunately...

The first two were done by Twig at Hart & Huntington in Las Vegas, last January when I was there for Internext. You live in England or Scottland apparently and you may not know the TV show INKED...

Anyway, there is this reality show, INKED, and it takes place at Hart & Huntington so I thought it would be cool to get inked there... The fact that I got two ladybugs there is *cool*. But the experience itself wasn't.

Twig was cold, didn't talk, did what he had to do, quick, well, efficiently (they are perfect) but that was it.

With Dave here, it is always fun, we talk, chat, laugh, etc... It's always a pleasant experience. Plus, yesterday, he admitted that if I had been younger, it would have worked between us! lol! He's 22 and adorable!

Anyway... That's it.


Here is my other tattoo done by Dave:


That one looked like it hurt!

Vid Vicious 12-15-2006 09:32 PM

check out www.xnations.com
you can post your ink there for all to see ...

Pedronas 12-16-2006 02:38 AM

looks sexy :)

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