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Evil Chris 12-20-2006 11:12 PM

Best/Worst movies you saw in 2006?
What were the best and worst movies you saw in 2006?

Best for me would have to be Deja Vu with Denzel Washington. FB and I went to see it only recently and I thought it was great.

Worst would be Borat. There were just a few moments that made me laugh and I thought the rest of it was mostly forced for laughs.

carol.prime 12-21-2006 09:33 AM

Best Movies:
1. The Departed
2. Inside Man
3.The Prestige
4. Mission Impossible 3

Worst Movies:
1. Actually none, I always read first the infos about the movie before i watch it...

Funbrunette 12-21-2006 10:51 AM

Not too many stand out...Maybe Deja Vue and I got a good giggle out of Borat. To be honest 2006 wasn't the best year for movies. But then again I enjoyed Turistas so what does that tell you about my taste for movies...lol

SykkBoy 12-22-2006 12:34 PM

best: Little Miss Sunshine, with Saw III a close second...I haven't seen the departed yet and I have high hopes for The Good Shephard and Rocky Balboa (I hated part 5 with a passion, but like what I'm hearing so far about this one)
worst: or at least the biggest disappointment - Nacho Libre...I really like Jack Black, but it just didn't do it for me...

Evil Chris 12-22-2006 02:59 PM

I am really looking forward to The Good Shepherd.

FB... Turistas was actually pretty good I agree!

born2blog 12-23-2006 12:55 AM

Deja Vu is definitely a great movie, I finally had the chance to see it. One movie I was not very impressed with this year was "The Lady In the Water", I had imagined it would be a better film but sucked in my opinion.

born2blog 12-23-2006 12:58 AM

A couple movies I REALLY look forward to seeing next year are

300 - Official Site
Transformers - Official Site

carol.prime 12-23-2006 09:48 AM

I've just watched "Little Man" and it is very funny...
The Wayans really know hot to put a good laugh on people's faces...

Evil Chris 12-24-2006 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by born2blog
Deja Vu is definitely a great movie, I finally had the chance to see it. One movie I was not very impressed with this year was "The Lady In the Water", I had imagined it would be a better film but sucked in my opinion.

I stayed away from Lady in the Water on purpose because I thought it might be bad.

Is it at least worth a rental?

DonMike 12-27-2006 06:57 PM

Okay, I'm probably going to get the Bah-Humbug award for this but I really hated "The Pursuit of Happyness". Yes, I feel bad for the guy that his life was so crappy, yes I'm happy that he and his son were able to build this amazing relationship, and yes I understand that life isn't always a bed of roses, but two and a half hours of a homeless stockbroker??? I live in LA. I can just prop up a lawn chair on Santa Monica Blvd and see it all around me. It's like being next to a talker on a bus who starts off with "boy, my life really sucks right now... wanna hear about it?"

I was also really disappointed by "The Holiday". I love Jack Black but he looked like he got really pissed off at the director and played the movie with as much sappy smarm as he could muster, just to get back at him. Kate Winslet, whom I adore, did as much as she could with the boring material and was the one bright spot of the movie. Cameron Diaz was okay, but not really as likable as she's supposed to be, and Jude Law was handsome as ever, although his gorgeous tan mysteriously disappears towards the end of the movie, although only a few days are supposed to have passed. Thank God for the inclusion of several songs by Imogene Heap, which kept me from deliberately trying to choke myself to death on my popcorn due to terminal boredom.

My favorite movie this year would have to be "Another Gay Movie". It was nasty, lowbrow humor at it's absolute best. Any movie that makes me almost puke from laughing so hard will always top my list and this was one of them. I do have to admit, though, a lot of the humor was based on things I could relate to from my own personal experience so it might not be as funny to everyone else, but everyone I know that saw it really liked it.

I also caught a showing of the silent movie sci-fi classic "Metropolis", recently restored so that it looked amazing. If the recent DVD release is anywhere near as good I highly recommend adding it to your Netflix.

Terrence 12-28-2006 08:49 AM

The departed is at the top for me in 2006

McKidd 12-28-2006 02:30 PM

Best for me in 2006 was Saw III. Maybe not as good as the first one, but way better than Saw 2.

Worst? Nacho Libre! Terrible!!!

Sarah_MaxCash 12-29-2006 09:48 AM

Children of Men was by far the best film I saw in the cinema in 2006. I think it just came out in North America but came out here ages ago.

SykkBoy 01-04-2007 01:15 PM

I can't believe I left Jackass Number Two and Hostel off the list...
Hostel came out way early in 2006 and I had almost forgotten is was a 2006 film

Stephane76 01-04-2007 02:32 PM

The Good Shepherd sucked ! Watched it 2 days ago and almost fell asleep a couple of times....

Little Miss Sunshine and The departed were my 2 fav for 06 !

What he said: http://www.epinions.com/content_294575050372

qUeenBeE 01-04-2007 10:50 PM

best ones: the departed, deja vu and saw III
worst ones: lady in the water and nacho libre

LAJ 01-05-2007 01:40 PM

Borat and Jackass 2 were my faves!

Visualad 01-06-2007 04:57 PM

worst.. Blood Rayne.

best... cant remember right now. Gotta post about that later. ;-)

Terrence 01-06-2007 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by qUeenBeE
best ones: the departed, deja vu and saw III
worst ones: lady in the water and nacho libre

Yeah Nacho Libre was very disapointing for a Jack Black movie.

Sarah_MaxCash 01-08-2007 05:39 AM

I just watched Nacho Libre and didn't think it was as bad as made out in these threads. It was silly but in exactly the way it was intended. Reminded me a bit of the style of Young Einstein.

Visualad 01-08-2007 12:35 PM

ONE of the best ones in 2006 was TSOTSI:

Sarah_MaxCash 01-09-2007 10:25 AM

was Tsotsi 2006? It was good whatever year.

Stephane76 01-10-2007 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by Visualad
ONE of the best ones in 2006 was TSOTSI:

just added it on top of my Netflix Queue

Thanks Visualad!

Visualad 01-10-2007 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by Stephane76
just added it on top of my Netflix Queue

Thanks Visualad!

Cool! I hope you like it.. :-)

And even though the following movie was produced in 2005, it came out in 2006 in many parts of Europe and I saw it during the fall..

Its in the top 5 of 2006 movies I saw: C.R.A.Z.Y

The movies I enjoyed most in 2006 was Mostly drama, Drama/comedy. And Some good thrillers. Lots of shit in 2006...

I usually get around 3-4 DVDs per week.. And not many of those I watched in 2006 was worth mentioning.

Tsotsi and Crazy are 2 of the good ones though. :)

SilvercashJeanette 01-10-2007 08:42 PM

I hardly saw any movies this year. I'm really bad at catching movies Lol I did however enjoy Saw 3 :)

gnat69 01-11-2007 02:21 PM

for me:

Best Movies:

V for Vendetta
Little Miss Sunshine
Snakes On a Plane
Batman Begins
Casino Royale

Worst Movies:

There is more I just can't think of them...

SykkBoy 01-15-2007 03:33 PM

I recently saw Idiocracy (which was made I guess in 2004, sort of released by Fox in 2006 and made it to video last week) and would have to add it to Best of the list...

StaceyJo 01-16-2007 08:08 AM

I like Nanny McPhee
V for Vendetta

and a lot more, I just forget those titles...

worst? hmmm gee I forgot too... hehehe

magician-hump 01-16-2007 09:28 PM

Definately 'Brick' (2005) it's mint, Probably the 'coolest' movie I've ever seen... I watched it last year (2006), so I guess it applys to this thread... http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0393109/

Lucky Number sLevin


xxxmalouxxx 01-16-2007 10:40 PM

definitely agree with you guys,, Nacho libre sucks.. i was expecting more..

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