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-   -   MoreNiche™ present LoveCentria™ - Making Fake Orgasms a thing of the past! (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=16878)

moreniche 12-21-2006 12:30 PM

MoreNiche™ present LoveCentria™ - Making Fake Orgasms a thing of the past!
Get ready to spread the Love - LoveCentria™ will be launched on January 8th.

"A quarter of people have faked an orgasm in the past 12 months - although there is a major difference between the sexes with almost four in 10 women (39%) faking it compared to 17% of men"

Lovecentria™ is the unmatched resource for men and sexual advice, with nothing in the way of new competition, here's your chance to corner a wide open niche.

$40 per sign up and massive opportunity of further upsell commissions for you - this is MoreNiche's Sexiest site yet!

Heres a sneak peak:

Packed full of quality, tasteful content:
  • 75 3d animated sex position
  • Interactive Erogeonous Zone Body Map
  • Massage Routine Videos
  • DVD quality Sex advice content
  • Exclusive Documenataries - i.e. Real Sex for Real People
The net is the number one source of info for sexual advice but this niche massively under represented (check out the competition, there's next to none and PPC is very uncompetitive for this niche.)

With this amazing site and the lack of competition, Lovecentria will improve your surfer's sex life as well as your bank balance!

We have all the resources you need to make a killing on this right now!
We have built 10 templates for you to downlaod and edit available here

We have provided masses of sex advice content for you to add to
your sites here.

And a huge selection of banners are also available here

Now I know everyone here is either a sex stallion or vixen, but here's your chance to spread the love - come on don't be selfish - show your average Jo how it's done! :yowsa:

Corner this wide open niche asap, all the resources you could wish for are available at MoreNiche™ RIGHT NOW! :arrr:

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