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Funbrunette 12-27-2006 08:36 AM

So? What did you get? Were you spoiled?
Santa was good to me this year. The present I will enjoy the most is a full day at the spa getting pampered. "Calgon take me away" it'll be like a mini holiday for a whole day! Yeah!!!! So what did Santa bring you? :)

carol.prime 12-27-2006 09:32 AM

well...i had to relax just for a day and stay in a hotel...
eat all the foods that i want and drink all the liqours that they have there...
whooh...that's one good reason to celebrate...tnx santa for the break...

Vid Vicious 12-27-2006 03:44 PM

Spoiled .. Umm No .. But I did have a better loot this year .. way better then last ... However I think there was a recurring theme this year .. I was loaded with watches and Wall clocks ... MAybe its got to do with my late mornings .. LOL

Terrence 12-28-2006 08:48 AM

I did the spoiling this year my GF got some great gifts! :)

kaimai 12-28-2006 01:16 PM

A Citizen Promaster Watch and lots of other little goodies.

Slippery 12-28-2006 01:56 PM

I did very well. My family loves me.
But what I really enjoy is the giving rather than receiving. Probably because I love shopping (for others!). :)

Lera 12-29-2006 09:14 AM

I can't say I was spoiled, but all the gifts I get were just the right ones! I even got some presents for the baby who will not arrive till the end of July!!!

Evil Chris 12-29-2006 10:33 AM

FB got me the latest season of "Curb Your Enthusiasm" on DVD.
Larry rocks!

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