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TABAsst 01-11-2007 01:13 PM

A few details you may not know about The Adult Broker…
January 11,2007
Countdown with Lori Z. The Adult Broker

(five fast questions that can tell you a lot)

Describe yourself in FIVE words:

* Strategic, Teacher, Student, Reflective, Passionate

Tell me FOUR things you like about working in the adult biz.

* The work pace and it keeps me on my toes
* The variety
* The uncharted territory still to be discovered and molded
* The opportunity to see the world

What are your THREE biggest accomplishments?

In the industry?

* Spearheading during my time at XBiz
* Opening TheAdultBroker
* Hitting my 300 deal mark within the first 2 years of opening TAB

In life:

* Having my daughter
* Buying a house
* Filling up a passport with stamps before its expiration date and having to get another one.

List TWO things you’d like to change about the business.

* The perception others may have of it
* I’m thinking of the second

What is the ONE most important rule in the adult biz?

* Pay what you owe

Visit Lori’s site, The Adult Broker

With a focus on business to business marketing and deal making, THE ADULT BROKER creates strategic business deals using extensive resources and connections

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