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Evil Chris 09-13-2002 10:40 AM

What do you like to drink?
The tequila talk in another thread prompted me to ask you what you all drink... that is, if you drink at all.
Personally, I rarely drink to excess, I drink for the taste of it.

One of my favourites is a dry gin martini with two mammoth olives. :D

XxXotic 09-13-2002 10:53 AM

i only drink, maybe (and I mean maybe) once every 3-4 months I'll throw a few back. If I do it's usually just beer (guiness) I used to bartend and I've been around liquor so long I'd rather just drink water or a rootbeer or something

Rox 09-13-2002 11:35 AM

I'm not a big drinker, either. When I do drink, it's usually vodka & oj (what the hell is that called? I can't for the life of me think of it!). Though my new favorite is Apple Martini. Yum!

Given the choice between cocktails and bong hits, I'd much prefer the weed. No hangover and no tummy aches!

luke 09-13-2002 12:05 PM

That would be a screwdriver Rox.

luke 09-13-2002 12:09 PM

I go through stages where I'll drink one thing for a while, get sick of it and go to something else. Right now I'm on a crown and water kick. About 2 months ago, I tried the no carbohydrate diet (lasted about 3 weeks) so that's what I was drinking and guess it stuck. Before that, my friend and I were drinking red bull, grey goose, and slash of cranberry. Pretty good drink, keeps you up so you can drink more...lol Then we switched to just cranberry and vodka. Before that, I've always been a jack and coke guy....

Geez, mention alcohol and I've got a lot so say...haha

Anyone care for a drink? Its past 12 somewhere!

spudnik 09-13-2002 12:09 PM

I don't drink a lot very often - coming from an extended family with several alcoholics, I was a bit scarred by their examples. In fact, until the last few years I didn't drink at all.

I hate beer. Just flat out hate it. I tend to gravitate towards mixed drinks like Cosmos or Midori Sours. That or vodka, straight up. But only the good stuff - our Russian designer/vodka expert has taught me to be discriminating! :)

When I have a head cold, I drink a little Jamesons and it works wonders.

Evil Chris 09-13-2002 12:21 PM


Originally posted by spudnik
When I have a head cold, I drink a little Jamesons and it works wonders.
I should try that... I've got a head cold right now.

Luke, ditch the Crown Royal man... Try some Jamesons straight up sometime. Triple distilled... smoooooooooooth.... :nuts:

modF 09-13-2002 12:34 PM

I don't drink often, but I like Rums (not the captain). Jameson is damn good with gingerale.. But I always keep a little Jack laying around too.

luke 09-13-2002 12:50 PM

I forgot about beer! For football games, I usually drink coors light. I'm a gueniss fan as well. I've been doing these things called Car Bombs, its a pint of Gueniss with a shot of Jameson and a touch of Baileys Irish Cream. You drop the shot in the glass and chugalug. Pretty good. :D

luke 09-13-2002 12:54 PM

Ok, I'll try staight Jamesons tonight and let you know how it goes. lol

Horg 09-13-2002 01:45 PM

Here in Québe province we are blessed to have many kind of beers from all over the world (as they do in europe). I started drinking a beer called "La Fin Du Monde" (the end of the world), EvilChris and FunBrunette probably know that beer. It's a 9% beer made in Québec and it has a big nice strong taste. Most people don't like it though hehe I like Tequila too. I had my quota of wine this summer while I was in France.

Funbrunette 09-13-2002 01:47 PM

I'd have to say my favorite drink lately has been Sangria! I love that stuff!

cyberpimp 09-13-2002 01:56 PM

There is nothing and I mean NOTHING better then


Straight out the bottle!!!!!!!!!!


Horg 09-13-2002 02:16 PM

Argh !
My brother bought a botthe of Southern Comfort last year and we tried it. No one liked it, tastes like sour piss ! (sorry cyberpimp)


Originally posted by cyberpimp
There is nothing and I mean NOTHING better then


Straight out the bottle!!!!!!!!!!


Magick 09-13-2002 02:20 PM

after last night I don't have a favorite drink...

ughhhhhhhhhhh I swear I'll never touch another drop :hippy:

Evil Chris 09-13-2002 02:22 PM

I think Magick had one too many slippery nipples last night!

Vid Vicious 09-13-2002 02:24 PM

Rye and Seven is my fav drink ... It'll put hair on your chest

Holy shit .. I'd better atop drinking!

spudnik 09-13-2002 03:03 PM


I should try that... I've got a head cold right now.

I keep a bottle of Jamesons in my office for just that reason. Well, maybe not *just* that reason, but that's a good enough excuse. :)

Evil Chris 09-13-2002 05:20 PM


Originally posted by spudnik

I keep a bottle of Jamesons in my office for just that reason. Well, maybe not *just* that reason, but that's a good enough excuse. :)

aahaha... Spudnik... let's have a meeting in your office soon! :)

luke 09-14-2002 12:05 AM

I cannot STAND Souther Comfort. I drank a bunch of it when I was 16, don't remember that night, but I know ever since then, when I smell it...I get sick. I'd rather drink taquilla, and I've already said how I feel about that.

Bree 09-14-2002 12:42 AM

If I drink I drink a Bloody Mary... but mostly I just drink when I'm at the shows..

at home I drink Diet RC


Rox 09-14-2002 01:21 AM

Damn, I forgot about the one drink I have every single day: Coffee!

Usually with hazelnut creamer, but when out at a bar or restaurant, I like it liberally laced with Sambuca. No cream, nothing but black coffee and that yummy black licorice tasting liqueur... mmm mmm mmm

Wish I had some right now!

Tobbe 09-14-2002 06:20 AM

i like plupp milk you know what that is ?

Chrystal_H 09-14-2002 08:29 AM

Hot creamy loads - baily's and hot water mmmmmm

Funbrunette 09-14-2002 10:28 AM


Originally posted by Chrystal_H
Hot creamy loads - baily's and hot water mmmmmm
Hehehehe! Welcome to xnations Chrystal! :flower:

Electra 09-15-2002 10:24 PM

I don't drink very much other than conventions. I am experimenting with different drinks though...so far my favorites have been White Russians and just a good bottle of beer. Molson Ice or Corona are my faves.

Tafkap 09-16-2002 05:09 AM

As u may have noticed in my avatar, my favourite drink is Pastis, which is from the South Of France.

U drink it around 6 pm (it's called in French the "Apero" time) with friends, some olives, peanuts, liying on the beach in Marseille!!!

A la votre les gars!!!!


LadySharlot 09-16-2002 11:59 AM

I drink one every great now and again, but very rarely to "drunk". :)

However, my absolute favorite is "Frozen White Russians"!! Mmmmm--found them in New Orleans. Unfortunately, there's relatively few places near here that I can get them...so I have to make due with regular White Russians. LOL

Then again--Nearly ANYTHING with Baileys Irish Creme in it is great for me!! MMMmmmmm......(Especially "slippery nipple" shots! YUM! :)

Lady Sharlot :-)

twinkley 09-16-2002 02:29 PM

I'm a girlie-girl when I am not drinking to get absolutely fuctup. I like strawberry daquiris, white russians, captain and coke, and appletini's.

When I am just drinking to get FUBAR nothing does it better than good ol Petron! mmmmm..... after the 3rd shot your not gonna feel a thing!


erika 09-16-2002 02:42 PM

Im into the liquers, my favorite is a monkeys lunch, banana/amaretto/coffee mixed with milk. I do get wild usually once a year and when I do, well I love my tequilla.

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