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Evil Chris 01-29-2007 02:25 PM

Listen to the radio while you work?
I quite often will turn on my Winamp and tune in to an 80s station (SkyFM typically) but they seem to play from the same playlists over and over.

So now I'm picking a station from Mike's Radio world each day. I have an 80s station from Seattle on today.

SmokingDawn 01-29-2007 02:29 PM

That sounds like a godd idea..I usually have the TV on in the background.

Cyndalie 01-29-2007 03:32 PM

I usually have my itunes on random. I miss the good old days when everyone jumped into chat during webmaster radio shows now and then tho.

Virgule3 01-29-2007 03:35 PM

When I work from home, yes, I always have some kind of music on... Either something from my playlist or something from Shoutcast.com, usually The Edge 102.

When I am at my "real" job, I can't because I am a teacher so... No music there...


Evil Chris 01-29-2007 04:22 PM

CBC Radio One Newfoundland


They're always taking about the fisheries for some reason. hehe...

thruma 01-29-2007 04:41 PM

I have a few faves in my winamp bookmarks.
one of them is CKLN from Toronto. It's a collage station so it can be just about anything. Never the same thing. ckln.fm for those interested.

I also listen to SKY FM jazz station.
I find the virgin radio stuff is nice too though lots of variety.

born2blog 01-29-2007 07:32 PM

it depends what I'm working on really, some tasks I need silence to concentrate but if I'm doing design work or something I'll crank the tunes

dyonisus 01-29-2007 08:12 PM

i used to then my hdd crashed with all my tunes on it and i sometimes forget to put music on since... i am investign in sirius next month... my friend has it and i am lovin hairnation

teenytricia 01-30-2007 05:17 AM


Originally Posted by SmokingDawn
That sounds like a godd idea..I usually have the TV on in the background.

seriously??? you just let the tv run in your background while you work? as if you can work while watching and vice-versa...
me, i cant work without my winamp up!

Sarah_MaxCash 01-30-2007 08:54 AM

I listen to BBC Radio Five Live which is a new and talk channel.

gnat69 01-31-2007 02:57 PM

I have my tv on mute and I listen to Yahoo music....I tend to get bored quickly of the muzac in my puter

wildgirl 01-31-2007 04:50 PM

I am listening to my fav. songs in winamp :)

TheLegacy 01-31-2007 06:39 PM

chris and I are the few who remember one of the best stations that is no more.. radiofreecolorado - damn I miss that

now i just hear my own music (have over 20gigs) or some jazzy station I can find

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