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WebcamCash Anita 02-05-2007 01:33 PM

WebcamCash 7th Anniversary 7 TIMES The Payout Blow-Out!

Get 7 times the Payout this Valentines from WebcamCash!!!

WebcamCash is excited to announce that in honor of our lucky SEVEN-YEAR anniversary, we are offering SEVEN TIMES the payout this coming Valentines Day! That’s right, this February 14 earn up to $700 per conversion !This is not a typo people! This is THE highest payout being offered in the industry right now and we wanted spread the word so you all could take advantage of this once in a lifetime opportunity. <o></o>
This is a primo time to hop on board if you’ve overlooked us in the past. The mailers and ads have been sent out and the buzz is building about this killer promotion! We even went as far as to create a separate page to explain the payouts in detail, and with your earning potential, the sky’s the limit! Click on the page below for details, or if you have any further questions, hit up with Derek “Dwreck” Smout .
He is more than willing to sit down with give EACH AND EVERY webmaster and go over their sites and bring his years and years of experience in the web cam business and get you converting.<o></o>
Valentine’s Day is fast approaching and you wouldn’t want to miss this golden chance to cash in on lonely surfers, on what promises to be the highest converting day of the year! So set up a date today with Derek “Dwreck” Smout to get a professional’s feedback to ensure your site is fully optimized for conversions!<o></o>
Derek <mailto:>be reached at: derek@webcamcash.com, 416-977-9734 X 228 or ICQ him at 165-976-549 or 293-747-370.</mailto:>


teenytricia 02-05-2007 09:18 PM

Hey guys! Congratulations on your 7th anniversary! more power to you guys! :worthy:

wildgirl 02-06-2007 11:43 PM

Congratulations on your 7th anniv :)

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