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Evil Chris 02-08-2007 01:38 PM

What is the best conspiracy theory you ever heard?
The most obvious one (for me) would be the whole JFK thing. There are conspiracy theories about conspiracy theories on so many levels in that one.

Name some that intrigue you.

Magnus3x 02-08-2007 01:56 PM

Roswell New Mexico aka "Area 51" do they have alien remains or is it just a military air base to test new planes and weaponry?

Where is Jimmy Hoffa and why is it so important that they find his body, they actually quarantined a farm house last fall as they thought they had evidence of his remains.

Kinder Surprise how do they get such tiny toys in that chocolate egg.

Slippery 02-08-2007 02:16 PM

OH I love a conspiracy theory. :)

What about the one where some guy invented a car that runs on water, but was murdered and the invention "destroyed" because it would have put too many auto workers on the unemployment line...

Cyndalie 02-08-2007 02:26 PM

I like the one that the lunar landing was the most expensive hollywood production in history and that man never reached the moon.

Evil Chris 02-08-2007 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by Cyndalie
I like the one that the lunar landing was the most expensive hollywood production in history and that man never reached the moon.

That one might even be true. All the pictures that were supposedly taken on the moon look so fake.

TheLegacy 02-08-2007 03:11 PM

get into porn - alot of money to be made there

McKidd 02-08-2007 03:24 PM

The whole "shaving" conspiracy! ;)

TheLegacy 02-08-2007 04:23 PM

Anna Nicole Smith was murdered

student4ever 02-08-2007 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by TheLegacy
get into porn - alot of money to be made there

:laughout: :laughout: :laughout:

Cyndalie 02-08-2007 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris
That one might even be true. All the pictures that were supposedly taken on the moon look so fake.

How do you know they look fake? Have you been to the moon?

Cyndalie 02-08-2007 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by TheLegacy
Anna Nicole Smith was murdered

No, she's still alive living in the carribbean with all that dough.

Quagmire 02-08-2007 06:54 PM

Ken Lay (of Enron) actually died of a heart attack. How's that for a conspiracy?

Personally I like the moon landing one the best. It really gets people pissed off when you tell them the moon landing was fake. :)

Evil Chris 02-08-2007 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by TheLegacy
Anna Nicole Smith was murdered

Well, that's the latest in a long line.

What about those who are "still alive"?

Jim Morrison is alive.
Elvis is alive.
Hitler is still alive.

Gruntled 02-08-2007 09:33 PM

Hitler and Elvis are alive. They take UFO rides through the midwest and deep south, stopping at greasy spoons in the middle of nowhere, and looking for rednecks to abduct and "probe". Jim is alive, and is a member of the Illuminati, secretly controlling all the political and financial power in the world along with the mafia and the IRS.

Oh yeah. And O.J. is innocent.

Musson 02-09-2007 04:21 AM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris
What about those who are "still alive"?

Jim Morrison is alive.
Elvis is alive.
Hitler is still alive.

You have forgotten about Marylin Monri and John F. Kennedy. :glugglug:

Ronaldo 02-09-2007 05:12 AM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris
That one might even be true. All the pictures that were supposedly taken on the moon look so fake.

Ugh. If you truly believe that conspiracy, let me know. I'll be sure to make up some that aren't on snopes yet, pass them on to you for distribution, and we'll start a few NEW conspiracies.

Evil Chris 02-09-2007 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by Ronaldo
Ugh. If you truly believe that conspiracy, let me know. I'll be sure to make up some that aren't on snopes yet, pass them on to you for distribution, and we'll start a few NEW conspiracies.

Ah yes, Snopes. I figured that would come up.

Snopes puts stuff on the internet, so it must be true.

Ronaldo 02-09-2007 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris
Ah yes, Snopes. I figured that would come up.

Snopes puts stuff on the internet, so it must be true.

Show me one that's inaccurate.

I don't expect you'll be able to though, so you'll just continue to post denigrating comments to make your point look somewhat valid. It won't work, but good luck with it.

Evil Chris 02-09-2007 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by Ronaldo
Show me one that's inaccurate.

I don't expect you'll be able to though, so you'll just continue to post denigrating comments to make your point look somewhat valid. It won't work, but good luck with it.

Were the people at Snopes part of the American space program? Do they work at NASA?

What are their sources to prove or disprove stories and theories? Or do you just believe everything you read on snopes.com? They're the authority?

Ronaldo 02-09-2007 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris
Were the people at Snopes part of the American space program? Do they work at NASA?

What are their sources to prove or disprove stories and theories? Or do you just believe everything you read on snopes.com? They're the authority?


Originally Posted by Ronaldo
Show me one that's inaccurate.

I don't expect you'll be able to though, so you'll just continue to post denigrating comments to make your point look somewhat valid. It won't work, but good luck with it.

I didn't think you could find one. :geez:

However, to play your little game, have you ever USED snopes? Generally, not always, but generally, they do provide you with both reasoning and references, meaning, unlike messageboard experts, they've actually done some research on the subject. Can you believe that? For example... http://www.snopes.com/inboxer/hoaxes/moontruth.asp

"The folks at Moontruth did come clean about the "out takes" being nothing more than an elaborate practical joke. You can view their explanation of how they made the clips at "The Full Story" section of their web site. "

That's not to mention the references to NASA specifically addressing the TV show everyone refers to as the authority on the subject. Why is it always the ACTUAL authority (NASA in this case) always has a motive and yet the accusers never have one? Like publicity. I dunno.
The problem with conspiracies as I see them is people like you hear one thing, don't research it any farther, and assume it's so.

There's a scene in the movie "The Negotiator" that describes me and my approach to these types of things....

"In the Samuel L. Jackson and Kevin Spacey movie The Negotiator, the ambiguity of the ending is used as a plot point. Spacey's character, Chris Sabian, asks Samuel L. Jackson's character, Danny Roman, why (in a conversation the two were having about Sabian's interests) Danny chose a movie in which the hero dies at the end. The two proceed to have an argument about what happens to Shane: Sabian arguing that Shane dies, citing Shane slumping, while Roman argues that that is only an assumption." from http://www.answers.com/topic/shane-film-1

SLJ's character assumes that Shane is dead. Spacey's does not. Spacey then goes on to explain that he gathers AS MUCH information as he can on a given subject from BOTH sides of the argument, deciphers it, then decides what to believe.
I follow this same philosophy and here are the rational conclusions I have come to based on the information I've read on these subjects...

-JFK-There was most definitely a second gunman. The government themself admit that scenario is the most probable. http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/jfkinfo/hscareport.htm

"The committee believes, on the basis of the evidence available to it, that President John F. Kennedy was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy. The committee is unable to identify the other gunman or the extent of the conspiracy. "

-9-11-No, the government didn't plan nor orchestrate the attacks upon themself. Did they know more than they've admitted? I believe most definitely. But that alone doesn't make them the perpetrators. (Too much reference material to link to, but use google and you'll surely find some arguments on BOTH sides of the issue. C'mon Chris, I know you can do it).

-Moon Landing-Man did set foot on the moon.

Here's a good starting page to research the moon landing (referenced by snopes btw, that I just happened to have bookmarked already) http://liftoff.msfc.nasa.gov/news/20...oonlanding.asp but I'm sure the scientists siding with NASA are either on the payroll or have their own agenda.

Oh, the show everyone watched about the moon landing being fake? It DID raise a couple of points that made me think. Of course, "I" went off and did some further research to establish my position, as opposed to someone just up and saying, "The photos look fake", without looking into it any further.

Those are the only ones that I can think of that have interested me enough to do some actual research on, but I am quite the authority on the Titanic too if you have any questions you'd like answered about that.
A couple of final thoughts. Conspiracy theorists take ANY inconsistency and immediately turn it into a conspiracy. God forbid someone in authority can't answer a question because that only fuels speculation and emboldens the nutjobs. However, I for one would MUCH prefer that the authority NOT be able to roll out an answer to every little thing. If they can, then I would be far more suspecting that they'd prepared for any and all inconsistencies that may arise.

For example, WHO sounds MORE guilty?

Police Officer-Can you tell me where you were Tuesday night Oct 2.

Suspect one-Uh, that was three months ago. I assume I worked during the day and if it wasn't a holiday I either went home to look after the kids, or I may have gone out for a beer with the boys after work. Sometimes we do that on Tuesday. I can't recall that day specifically though.

Suspect two-I left work at 5pm. I arrived home at 5:30. I read the paper until 6:00. After dinner the bitch brought me a couple of beers and I watched the news until 7 and American Idol until 8:00. I asked the wife for a blowjob. She refused. I jacked it till 8:15 to a Maxim magazine with Pamela Anderson in it. I was tired so I went to bed for the night and woke up at 6:15.

I guarantee the cop is gonna look more closely at the guy with all the answers.

teenytricia 02-09-2007 11:19 AM

I guess the biggest i've heard is that of the first mission to the moon ... they said they never made it .. they don't even have the capacity to make it ... from what i've read, they staged the whole mission on video ...

Evil Chris 02-13-2007 07:07 PM

What is it you know about the Titanic that we don't know about Ron?
What makes you an authority on it? OK you saw the movie. :xthumbs:

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