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Panky 02-10-2007 04:39 PM

What were your favorite toys as a kid?
When I went shopping for my nephew, I noticed a lot of toys my brother and I had as kids came back or remained one of the staples. Then on another board, the subject of PlayDoh and Legos came up.

So what were some of your favorite toys when you were a kid?

beckie 02-10-2007 04:53 PM

Cabbage patch kids

Kids have it made these days with all the different types of toys out. I love shopping for my nieces though!!! :)

Funbrunette 02-10-2007 04:54 PM

For me it would have to be my barbies...lol The one's they have out today as so much cooler than the one's when I was just a young lady! They even have brunette barbie now! :)


beckie 02-10-2007 04:57 PM

How could I forget barbies? :)

Evil Chris 02-10-2007 11:04 PM

Probably nobody has heard of or remembers Billy Blastoff.
You can find those toys on eBay and that's about it now.

student4ever 02-10-2007 11:55 PM

Battle Tops was always fun. Some company tried to bring them back a few years ago with 'new' twists, but the darn things didn't work at all... :geez:

As I got older, I found that strip Twister with Crisco and a strobe light was a fun party game. :laughout:

wildgirl 02-11-2007 05:07 AM

barbie dolls :)

TheLegacy 02-11-2007 09:05 AM

something I found in my pants

Cyndalie 02-11-2007 10:45 AM

Care Bears
Games - Operation, Sorry!, Life, Scrabble, Boggle, Mastermind, Stratego
Tape recorder/record player/microphone/walkman
Pound Puppy
My little ponies
Atari/Comodore 64
Books - I've always been a bookworm
My cousins treefort

Never had a Barbie or played with them

Panky 02-11-2007 12:55 PM

I had Barbie dolls, but I didn't play with them too much. My brother used to take them and take them apart. Then when I got the one with the bendable joints, he did surgery on it to see what made them bend. I didn't much care. Barbie dolls were not my thing.

I had the Strawberry Shortcake doll and her little friends, little Smurf figurines, tons of books and board games, Lego's, but I liked my crayons, markers, colored pencils, paints and all that artsy stuff the best. I was always drawing, painting, or coloring something. I had a ton of stuffed animals too that I tucked into bed with me every night.

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