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Cyndalie 02-12-2007 12:38 PM

RHCP's Anthony Keidis "Hooked on Porn"
What hasn't this guy been hooked on?


Red Hot Chili Peppers star Anthony Kiedis had to ween himself off an addiction to internet porn when he realise his obsession was becoming unhealthy.

Kiedis discovered his addictive personality was driving his seedy interests in cyberspace - and he had to stop before it became a major problem.

He tells Blender magazine, "When I finally got a computer, I discovered this limitless world of pornography.

"I realized the feeling that I was having was like the feeling that I used to get when I'd go score drugs. I actually had to make a commitment to myself to stop."

dyonisus 02-12-2007 12:45 PM

hmmm, well I mean they sometimes say you drop one addiction for another.

My question is, is the article comparing the effects of porn to the effects of drug use? Is it keidis' way of campaigning against the online porn industry? or is this just another example of a dude who can take an interest too far and because he is a star it is more poignant and news worthy?

Magnus3x 02-12-2007 03:17 PM

better than doing junk.

Read his book Scar Tissue..he had quite the H issue.

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