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untouchable 02-13-2007 02:30 PM

Newbies Im here to help you!
Hello newbies :)

I have become an experienced adult webmaster over the past year and I have learned alot on the adult webmaster forums reading usefull threads and talking alot to other webmasters.

If you are a new webmaster starting out I am willing to answer all the questions you have for free.

You can hit me up and fire your questions to me: 261-765-418

Or you can just send me an email with the questions you have.

If you are looking for someone to mentor you 1 on 1 I would be happy to do that!



ICQ: 261-765-418
EMAIL: adriaan@bizarrecfnm.com

dchryso 04-17-2007 08:33 AM


Originally Posted by untouchable (Post 119100)
Hello newbies :)

If you are a new webmaster starting out I am willing to answer all the questions you have for free.

that's a kind offer.. So here is the question... I live in France and i'm starting my 1st website... www.hotbabesfactoryt.com (iknow there are tons of mistakes but we will fixe them asap)
So the question... How do you work the US market when your are a foreigner (French actually) to get affiliates ?

thanks for you help


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