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Cyndalie 02-14-2007 09:23 AM

Favorite Blogs and Bookmarks
Going thorugh my bookmarks today and thought to share a few...

The Director of the NC Zoo's blog is cool http://russlings.blogspot.com/

12clicks might enjoy the dissent of Titmowse's (Cozy Frog staff writer) political blog http://blogslut.com/

What Would Tyler Durden Do - Is a hilarious blog with pics about celeb slipups and news http://wwtdd.com/

WegCory's http://midgetarmy.com/ is pretty good, funny reads

If you run dual monitors it's fun to have a live cam to the side... This is the cams that run out of the National Zoo http://nationalzoo.si.edu/Animals/WebCams/

Dolphin cam and others from Minnesota http://www.mnzoo.com/global/media.asp

Monterey Bay Aquarium - http://www.mbayaq.org/efc/cam_menu.asp

Free website templates - http://www.templatesbox.com/templates7.htm

Not sure what keywords to optimize a page for, Analyze it http://textalyser.net/index.php This will extract and do a density measure of the content on a page so you know what to stress in the titles and meta tags.

How Much Is My Blog Worth?

Google Sitemap Automator

Google Keyword Tool

Free music loops and shit for a web page

For a daily dose of hotties http://www.bodslist.com/

.htaccess generator - http://cooletips.de/htaccess/

Scrutenize This - http://www.scrutinizethis.com/ - all kinds of shit, keyword tools, ip, url tools,etc

Relentless 02-14-2007 10:00 AM

Thanks Cyn, here are a few more:

At times his writing is crap but some of it is pure genius. Always worth a look.

The leading figure in the open source movement. If you want to better understand copyright implications this is the spot to do it.

the place to find all the gadgets you never knew you lusted for

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