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She Devil 02-16-2007 12:26 PM

I just needed to say something about TheLegacy
I have been with TheLegacy for over 5 years, and married to him for almost two. But there are some things about him that I don't think I've said enough of in public.

He is the most amazing man I have ever met. He helps with work around the house. He always meets me on the same level whenever there's a descision to be made. He never talks down to me, even though sometimes I can be immature. He doesn't yell back when I've 'lost it' and am freaking out. He's always soft spoken, gives the best advice and never says things he regrets. He always knows the right things to say and has a made it a goal to make me laugh every day. And I don't know how he does it but no matter how mad he is at me I have never heard him nor anyone tell me that he's ever slandered my name.

On top of all that he's really stepped up and become a great father and husband when dealing with the baby. He has probably changed more diapers than I have, and he has no problem keeping the baby occupied so that I can sleep. Watching him calm her down and help her fall asleep when she's crampy is amazing to watch. Seeing her cuddled up in daddy's arm passed out and seeing how he looks at her puts a tear in my eye everytime - and not just because I'm still 'postpardom'.

I never have to worry about him around other women, because whenever a girl hits on him I know he's only interested in bringing her home for me. He always makes me feel special, and I beleive thinks better of me then I do myself. Always is encouraging me and reminding me why I love him so much and why I married him - especially through the rough patches.

He's the most incredible father, husband and man I know. And I needed to make sure I voice that because I don't say it enough. And yes girls, he's taken... but I might be willing to share him if you're good :laughout:

Rochard 02-16-2007 12:35 PM

Yeah, but he's not Mr. X Nations!

Cyndalie 02-16-2007 12:36 PM

That's very beautiful Shannon :) You're a lucky lady!

B O B 02-16-2007 12:37 PM

the longer you two are married the more gay you get Shannon and the more lesbian Robert gets...


student4ever 02-16-2007 12:38 PM

there was never a doubt that the two of you are a very special match :worthy:

sweetums 02-16-2007 12:39 PM

Wow...if that's not one of the sweetest things I've read...I don't know what is.

Go go go, TheLegacy!!! :)

gnat69 02-16-2007 12:39 PM

Hey Shannon,

you know I don't know him as a father but as a friend, he has always been there to support me no matter what. I do agree with you that he can totally calm you down when upset and I think it is just great that you give him the credit he deserves but I know you always have.....

I think your both very lucky to have found one another......x0x0x0x

TheLegacy 02-16-2007 12:44 PM

that really took me back and wasn't expecting such a thread - thank you so much. The only response I can give is the poem I wrote which I read to you at our wedding


Because of my weakness and shortcomings,
I have found my true power and strength.

Because of my sorrow and tears,
my soul can sing with enchanted laughter.

Because of all my failures,
I have learned to succeed.

Because of all my rejection,
I have learned acceptance.

Because of all my needs,
I take joy in giving.

Because of all that is evil,
I stand for all that is pure and good.

Because of you,
my heart can love.


thank you again my dearest -

Tiffanypreston 02-16-2007 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by She Devil
I have been with TheLegacy for over 5 years, and married to him for almost two. But there are some things about him that I don't think I've said enough of in public.

He is the most amazing man I have ever met. He helps with work around the house. He always meets me on the same level whenever there's a descision to be made. He never talks down to me, even though sometimes I can be immature. He doesn't yell back when I've 'lost it' and am freaking out. He's always soft spoken, gives the best advice and never says things he regrets. He always knows the right things to say and has a made it a goal to make me laugh every day. And I don't know how he does it but no matter how mad he is at me I have never heard him nor anyone tell me that he's ever slandered my name.

On top of all that he's really stepped up and become a great father and husband when dealing with the baby. He has probably changed more diapers than I have, and he has no problem keeping the baby occupied so that I can sleep. Watching him calm her down and help her fall asleep when she's crampy is amazing to watch. Seeing her cuddled up in daddy's arm passed out and seeing how he looks at her puts a tear in my eye everytime - and not just because I'm still 'postpardom'.

I never have to worry about him around other women, because whenever a girl hits on him I know he's only interested in bringing her home for me. He always makes me feel special, and I beleive thinks better of me then I do myself. Always is encouraging me and reminding me why I love him so much and why I married him - especially through the rough patches.

He's the most incredible father, husband and man I know. And I needed to make sure I voice that because I don't say it enough. And yes girls, he's taken... but I might be willing to share him if you're good :laughout:

He is really a good person this is him have help me out and still help me out when i have issue and dont know what to do! He is a really generous person 1 Thanks For all you did for me !

Tiffany Preston x0x0x0x0x :sunshine:

Relentless 02-16-2007 01:05 PM

Tell the truth, did someone get a diamond bracelet with dinner last night? :scram:

TheLegacy 02-16-2007 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by Relentless
Tell the truth, did someone get a diamond bracelet with dinner last night? :scram:

is that anything like a pearl knecklace?


student4ever 02-16-2007 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by YNOTBob
the longer you two are married the more gay you get Shannon and the more lesbian Robert gets...


always the sensitive one :laughout:

TheLegacy 02-16-2007 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by YNOTBob
the longer you two are married the more gay you get Shannon and the more lesbian Robert gets...


wait, lesbians get all the chicks right?

okay I can deal with that - battles off :knight:

DonMike 02-16-2007 01:36 PM

Okay, that is just one of the most adorable things I've ever read. You are both so lucky to have found each other. I'm very fortunate to be able to call you my friends. :)

Evil Chris 02-16-2007 01:41 PM

I knew we had a lot in common Robert. :happy:

Magnus3x 02-16-2007 03:30 PM

But does he do windows..?

Trouble Tonya 02-16-2007 04:42 PM

That is really sweet. You are both very blessed to find someone you are compatible with. Best wishes and keep on loving unconditionally. ;)

TheLegacy 02-16-2007 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by DonMike
Okay, that is just one of the most adorable things I've ever read. You are both so lucky to have found each other. I'm very fortunate to be able to call you my friends. :)

**clears throat**

and sugar daddy too:scram:

DonMike 02-16-2007 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by TheLegacy
**clears throat**

and sugar daddy too:scram:

Amazon wish list coming soon... Daddy. :ban1: :ban1: :ban1:

TheLegacy 02-16-2007 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by DonMike
Amazon wish list coming soon... Daddy. :ban1: :ban1: :ban1:

as I recall last year you wanted rare chocolates in phoenix - and didnt I deliver? :bum:

DonMike 02-16-2007 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by TheLegacy
as I recall last year you wanted rare chocolates in phoenix - and didnt I deliver? :bum:

That you did, and it was your name I was calling out... from the treadmill at the gym those extra hours. :P

Funbrunette 02-16-2007 11:42 PM

That is so sweet! Now all we need is a picture of the baby! :)

beckie 02-17-2007 02:34 AM

That was really sweet, Shannon. You both are incredible friends and I am so glad to have you in my life. :)

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