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DonMike 02-20-2007 03:56 PM

Stolen Content, anyone know these guys?
Hey everyone,

This site is using a whole bunch of our RandyBlue.com content. You all may want to check to see if they're using any of your exclusive content.


Anyone know these guys?

TheLegacy 02-20-2007 04:15 PM

I thought I heard of them - saw in the 2257s MenOfSteel

they are also hooked up with badpuppy so you may want to check your sources out there too



DonMike 02-20-2007 04:26 PM

Ah, thank you Legacy. For your efforts you get a reacharound next time I see you. ;)

Yeah, funny they have a 2257 page at all. I looked to see if they had the gall to list our address as COR. LOL!

Trouble Tonya 02-21-2007 01:08 PM

I know this is kinda off the topic, but who doesn't enjoy a good reach around? LOL Yay to Legacy for helping out.

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