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PizzaHunters 02-21-2007 06:02 AM

PizzaHunters.com – your money shot on Italian traffic!
Attention, webmasters!

Pizza Hunters are on fire – pure money shots on Italian traffic! Mamma Mia!

We don’t need to tell y’all about dialers, right? You know the deal and you know the money is there, so we won’t be wasting your time telling you how profitable working with a dialer is.

All we have to say is that we can offer you arguably the best solution for your Italian traffic with some of the best rates in the industry(Up to €8 per call!) together with the most advanced admin tools, payments without hold to various payment systems, an excellent support service and other great features you need to turn your Italian traffic into cash!

We love Italian Traffic as much as Italians love Pizza, and while these pasta lovers enjoy their snacks they keep calling, calling and calling!

Check out our website for more information and details that are of interest to you and join today to start making money together with Pizza Hunters

Looking forward to working with you.

Ciao, Pizza Hunters Team

Support e-mail - support@pizzahunters.com
Support icq - 378-561-609

PizzaHunters 02-22-2007 06:24 AM

Resellers are welcome!

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