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Darin 01-31-2003 12:08 PM

Anyone watching this shit? Hostage in a postal truck, low speed chase in Miami.

Crazy shit.

XxXotic 01-31-2003 12:11 PM

buncha savages in this town! crazy shit

Cathedra 01-31-2003 12:12 PM


Originally posted by XxXotic
buncha savages in this town! crazy shit
Dayum!!! Nope no tv in the office..

Apollo 01-31-2003 12:13 PM

bwahahahaha....no wonder I never get my sponsor checks....people keep stealing them

shawcutie 01-31-2003 12:13 PM


Brad has me chained to the desk...No tv here at Shaw ;)

:xpopcorn: :xpopcorn:

I have my popcorn though, tell me whats going on...

Easton 01-31-2003 12:14 PM

hahahaha... only in the US

no wonder they call it "going postal"

can anyone see Newman behind the wheel? rotf

Mister X 01-31-2003 12:15 PM

Probably some old fart who didn't get his pension check on time. And why take a mailman hostage? It's not like people are gonna get super excited about that, hehe.

Darin 01-31-2003 12:15 PM

He is holding the driver hostage by gun. Its a girl (the driver).

They stop and talk to people on the street.. and just circles and makes uturns and stuff.

They claim he shot at police already too. Great heli cam on live tv right now ;)

Mister X 01-31-2003 12:18 PM

Is OJ hiding in the backseat? He lives somewhere down there now doesn't he?

Darin 01-31-2003 12:20 PM

Hey it > IS < a white truck. HMMMM!

Darin 01-31-2003 12:21 PM

I bet my commission checks are in that truck, damnit.

StuartD 01-31-2003 12:22 PM


Originally posted by Darin
I bet my commission checks are in that truck, damnit.
Don't count on getting your $20 check this month :D

Evil Chris 01-31-2003 12:23 PM

Is it over? I just turned CNN on... More Iraq BS..

Darin 01-31-2003 12:26 PM

Im watching MSNBC. Not over, they stop and tell people they are going to a school.

.. and those trucks can go up to 85 MPH, never knew that bit of statistics.

They are going through stop signs now, so they are getting more dangerous. Before they would actually stop at lights, etc.

Phoenix 01-31-2003 12:30 PM

damn i cant see it anywhere...

Darin 01-31-2003 12:31 PM

Now there is a train of cop cars behind him. Everyone is stopping and taking pictures of the truck.. lol

Hes stopped and talked to like 10 people already. Seems he is giving messages to them for the cops or something.

Looks like he fired on police before all of this, so looks like hes gonna go down hard when they stop him.

If I was that chick driving, I would ram the truck into a wall :P

Darin 01-31-2003 12:36 PM

All the cops are keeping this truck on a certain path it looks like, not letting him turn on certain streets.

The cops are even on the other side of the street to keep the street clear.

What amazes me is people get out of their car to talk to this guy.. lol and people are cheering him on on the sidewalk.

Darin 01-31-2003 12:45 PM

Cyndalie sent me this link, looks like there is a live stream for it.


Darin 01-31-2003 12:57 PM

Hoo truck stopped. hehe this is movie material.

Evil Chris 01-31-2003 01:00 PM

Finally some good coverage of this on CNN.
This stuff is messed up!

I can't see it ending well....:(

Darin 01-31-2003 01:06 PM

If I was the driver, I would have turned that truck over when there was a clear street and high enough speed.

He obivously would not be belted in.

Easton 01-31-2003 06:28 PM


Originally posted by Darin
If I was that chick driving, I would ram the truck into a wall :P
assuming she's hot enough, wouldn't it be better to get the female postal employee to blow you rather than drive the truck?

hijackers can be so stupid... :bonk:

Darin 01-31-2003 06:35 PM

Ugh, she was a dog. So was he so. Doubt any new reality site is gonna be coming online about it :P

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