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Evil Chris 02-24-2007 09:24 AM

Nice picture of Montreal
Can anyone tell around what year it was taken?


TheLegacy 02-24-2007 12:05 PM

go out on a limb - 1967 expo - I love montreal and one of the few cities I actually long for when I leave

Evil Chris 02-24-2007 10:01 PM

1967 is way off. Montrealers who know their city should be able to narrow it down to a half decade or so.

born2blog 02-24-2007 10:59 PM

nice photo, 1980?

Vid Vicious 02-25-2007 08:23 PM

I'd say mid 80's actually .. Mostly cus La rounde (the amusement park in the for ground) only has a few Roller costers and today boast way way more ..

at first I was gonna say the 70s but I don't think the Heavy metal costers were around then....

Evil Chris 02-26-2007 11:02 AM

Well one thing we know is that it was taken in September. In August, the trees are still green, and by October they are mostly gone.

Here's a hint. Does anyone notice 1000 de la Gauchietere? It is visible on the left side of the photo in the distance. The tallest structure in Montreal.
It was built in 1992. :)

glad2beme 02-26-2007 01:32 PM

yeah, I'd say about 1985 to 1990 ... nice pic man!

Evil Chris 02-26-2007 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by glad2beme (Post 119908)
yeah, I'd say about 1985 to 1990 ... nice pic man!

Well, we've established that it's at oldest, 1992.

Thanks, but it's a postcard. I didn't take the picture! :)

SmokingDawn 02-26-2007 02:43 PM

Very nice picture Chris. I have never been but plan to visit someday

Kenny B 02-26-2007 03:17 PM

Great photo especially since if it was taken tday i would be able to see my house:-)

I was going to say 1984 but I re-read and if it's after 1992, I'll take 1995... but it seems earlier, maybe it's just the grainyness of the picture

lulu 02-26-2007 03:17 PM

mmm ... i say about 2000. lol
chris is laughing at me.

Evil Chris 02-26-2007 03:29 PM

See the traffic on the Jacques-Cartier bridge moving into the city? Much heavier than coming back.

It must have been snapped in the morning.

Trixxxia 02-26-2007 03:33 PM

I'd say that the picture is most likely fall 1993.
I don't see the Cobra on there and it was installed in 1995 so figure preparations/foundations were done in 1994.

It's a wild guess since I haven't gone in AGES.

Evil Chris 02-27-2007 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by Trixxxia (Post 119926)
I'd say that the picture is most likely fall 1993.
I don't see the Cobra on there and it was installed in 1995 so figure preparations/foundations were done in 1994.

It's a wild guess since I haven't gone in AGES.

You're probably close! 1000 de la Gauchetiere was completed in 1992, and the exhibits at the aquarium (the little round building with the swirly top) were moved to the Biodome in 1992. The Aquarium was demolished shortly thereafter.

Also, there are a heck of a lot of newer roller coasters missing that were erected in the mid-90s.

So the picture is either from the autumn of 1992 or 1993.

spideriux 03-01-2007 04:18 PM

wow really awesome picture

SykkBoy 03-01-2007 06:00 PM

I haven't been to Montreal in years...will definitely have o get back up that way...I'm craving a smoked meat sandwich...I got introduced to them my last trip up there and need a fix...

Evil Chris 03-02-2007 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by SykkBoy (Post 120095)
I haven't been to Montreal in years...will definitely have o get back up that way...I'm craving a smoked meat sandwich...I got introduced to them my last trip up there and need a fix...

It's required eating up here. We have it at least a couple times a month.

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