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Funbrunette 02-26-2007 10:15 PM

Do celebrities deserve some privacy?
With all the Anna Nicole saga and Britney's breakdown just when do they have a right to a certain privacy and respect? Do you feel they've signed up for this? I'm curious what are your thoughts guys? http://smilies.vidahost.com/otn/funny/11poke.gif

Cold_ice 02-26-2007 10:38 PM

I believe they do deserve their privacy and respect. I think there should be certain rules for instance if the celebrities are doing something has doing to do with their work they should be left alone. Like walking a dog or taking a shit or getting high or having dinner with their family. I have a few big name folks and I always try to act like they are no different from anyone else, unless they start a conversation with me. .02 Fred

TheLegacy 02-27-2007 09:17 AM

one of the demons associated with celeb status is that without people running around with camera's wanting to know your moves - then your not a real celeb. Don't think this is a pity situation. Celebs play up to the media hoping to get into the spotlight because it will help their career or a future movie. In actuality, celeb's may experience a breakdown by not having their life cared about enough that they aren't being followed.

It is only when they reach a 'super-star' status or do something that intrigues us all are the media all over them. Just look at Britney when she was getting a tattoo - the girl was stretching back just to look into the window to make sure the cameras were on her. She had all the security well in hand to do it in a room or have people blocking shots. Instead she drove out and found someone who was going to cut her hair, what - she doesn't have hair people of her own that toured with her she couldn't trust?

face it, without the media and frenzy that follows them, more and more celebs would be doing crazier shit just to get our attention so that they will be in the spotlight which then means they will get more jobs/offers and $$$$

12clicks 02-27-2007 10:59 AM

they've asked for what they've gotten. its pretty easy to act normal and not have a problem.
There's no money in photographing people being normal. Act normal and photographers will not be around you, act like a nut and you get what you ask for.

glad2beme 02-27-2007 11:01 AM

No they don't! we have the right to see who they really are!

Terrence 02-27-2007 11:02 AM

No way they thrive on it Paris Hilton is a perfect example

12clicks 02-27-2007 11:02 AM

Chris, is it my imagination or do canadians believe conspiracy theories in a greater
% than people from the US.

I mean, most of the idiot zealots explaining how 9/11 was an inside job appear to be canadians.

do you agree or is it just my imagination?

TheLegacy 02-27-2007 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by 12clicks (Post 119962)
% than people from the US.

I mean, most of the idiot zealots explaining how 9/11 was an inside job appear to be canadians.

do you agree or is it just my imagination?

it also keeps our heads warm in the canadian cold temp's


Im sorry - I did take a quick look at the websites promoting the idea of the 9-11 'inside job', and for the most part they all looked as though they were created and run by american webmasters. I have heard more americans speak of a conspiracy than canadians - we generally smile and say, "Im sorry".

stonegatherer 02-27-2007 08:41 PM

If Britney wanted privacy there wouldn't be pictures of her cooze all over the intenet.

In other words, if Britney wanted privacy, she'd keep her privates private.

Death is a different matter - Anna Nicole was either a whore who spread her legs for everyone, or those guys are real scumbags. Zsa Zsa's husband wasn't saying he was the daddy until the kid was worth 500 million. I say tie him to a tree, castrate him, and let him bleed out; he's a piece of shit.

Sarah_MaxCash 02-28-2007 05:02 AM

Sure they deserve some but if they play the the press and then expect to be left alone when all the coverage doesn't make them look good then they deserve the negative attention.

Rochard 02-28-2007 12:08 PM

If you think about it, our industry is very similar. We have post whores who want nothing more than attention. It's not much different to Britney there - Her life is in a slump and she enjoys the attention.

Hell, in our industry - some people's entire repuation is based on their posts and board persona!

TheLegacy 02-28-2007 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by Rochard (Post 120027)
If you think about it, our industry is very similar. We have post whores who want nothing more than attention. It's not much different to Britney there - Her life is in a slump and she enjoys the attention.

Hell, in our industry - some people's entire repuation is based on their posts and board persona!

never a truer word spoken - this industry flourishes on drama and extreme behavior... though those who have actual substance can get away with it.. the others burn out after a short period of time.

Evil Chris 02-28-2007 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by 12clicks (Post 119962)
% than people from the US.

I mean, most of the idiot zealots explaining how 9/11 was an inside job appear to be canadians.

do you agree or is it just my imagination?

I hadn't heard about that. I mean I knew there were some weird conspiracy theories about 911, but I completely dismissed them as nutty.

I like the speculative nature of a good conspiracy theory as much as anyone, but I agree that some of them (and the people who purport them) are wacky.

Slippery 02-28-2007 01:43 PM

Celebs like the rest of us deserve privacy of course.
If them want attention, they'll get it though. But then they bitch about it.

Panky 02-28-2007 01:44 PM

Some famous people are private people and others are very public. I think that the media should be allowed to do their job, but they should look at each individual person and treat them accordingly.

There are famous people who you really only hear about when they are using the media to their advantage wisely.

Then there are the attention whores. Those who can't seem to be able to get through the day unless the media is shooting hundreds of pics of them a day and writing about them.

Let the private people be private. Let the attention whores be attention whores. The media shouldn't cross the line and treat these two groups the same.

Evil Chris 02-28-2007 02:24 PM

I saw some footage a few years ago. This photographer was following Tom Hanks and his wife on a beach somewhere. Suddenly you see Tom saying "ok, how much is enough for you? We posed for some video and pics and now you won't leave us alone. So when will you be done? Get lost now!"

I thought that was brilliant. Give the photographer an inch, and he wanted a mile.

stonegatherer 02-28-2007 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 120043)
. Give the photographer an inch, and he wanted a mile.

Give the Tom Hanks an inch, and he wants a mile.

born2blog 03-01-2007 12:22 AM

I don't see anything wrong with them being exposed. In many ways it's their own fault that some celebrities are such attention whores in the first place.

stonegatherer 03-01-2007 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by born2blog (Post 120052)
I don't see anything wrong with them being exposed. In many ways it's their own fault that some celebrities are such attention whores in the first place.

I agree.

dyonisus 03-01-2007 12:00 PM

They totally deserve their privacy, however, there is an expected amount of invasion I am sure that they know will happen. Some of the papparazzi take it too far...

I dont think because you desire a career as a public figure of any sort you are an attention whore or necessarily want all that comes with it. I am certain that no celebrity wants the cameras on them 24/7 when thay are going through a painful break up, a death in the family or any emotional mental or physical breakdown.

its too bad that the drama in other's lives makes for better media...

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