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Virgule3 02-28-2007 11:41 AM

Singler male content: I have a question...
Hi guys! What's up?

Hey, I have a question... I have a friend who might be interested in staring his (yeah, HIS) own website. He's not gay, but he'd like to have a site and we were wondering if, first of all, there is a market for that, where to advertize, etc...

I found http://www.southern-gents.com but man does it suck!!! lol Maybe my friend, who happens to be very cute, would have an advantage there but still... It sucks... lol

What is your take on that? Any insight?



TheLegacy 02-28-2007 11:59 AM

thats a good question - not knowing his age, body type or description he is going to have to accept the fact that many of his clients will be gay or bicurious. If he can handle that, then there is a chance, alot has to do with more his personality than looks. same as women, you can have a really really hot girl, but if you dont have the personality to follow her site will be dead shortly after the interest is gone. same reason why men dont continually use the same playboy magazine they bought at 18 to jerk off to the rest of their lives - they need variety

stonegatherer 02-28-2007 12:15 PM

Globule - Have him check out ClickCash's iFriends.net.


Virgule3 02-28-2007 01:07 PM

Other comments and ideas???



Vid Vicious 02-28-2007 04:18 PM

you might want to check out

www.brunob.com and www.tommydxxx.com

both are solo male sites but very different ...

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