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Funbrunette 03-10-2007 09:17 PM

300...A MUST see!!!!!
Wow! An adrenaline-charged rush of fantastically stylish visuals, colossal battles, and gratuitously fulfilling bloodshed, 300 manages to ground itself with enough genuine heart and solemn sincerity to propel itself into epic entertainment not confined only to audiences of masculine design. 300 is the first must-see film of 2007, a mature, visually arresting cinematic fantasy thrill-ride.

Best movie I've seen in a very long time. I'd see it again tomorrow! :worthy:

Way3 03-10-2007 10:07 PM

Thanks for your review as I heard it was a great movie! It sounds like it make a great impression on you! Glad you enjoyed it! Looks like maybe I'll have to go see it!

teenytricia 03-11-2007 10:07 AM

very well said! it must've been an awesome movie! I'm definitely gonna see it .

Terrence 03-11-2007 10:58 AM

I'm going to see it tonight thank you for the review Funbrunette :heart:

Evil Chris 03-11-2007 01:22 PM

I agree 100%. Best movie I have seen in a long time!

born2blog 03-11-2007 03:19 PM

I still can't wait to see this film!!

Cyndalie 03-11-2007 06:41 PM

That's it, I'm going next week!
Takes alot to get me into a theater, but I think you did it FunB

Evil Chris 03-11-2007 11:03 PM

Yeah, I'm definitely grabbing this one on DVD for the home theatre as well.

qUeenBeE 03-12-2007 05:59 AM

we weren't able to watch it yesterday on theater bu we'll surely give it a try within this week... i've been hearing a lot of positive comments bout it

Way3 03-12-2007 09:58 AM

We weren't able to get tickets at our theatre, so we'll have to wait and give it a try here next week. :(

student4ever 03-12-2007 03:21 PM

Ok, I've been waiting for this one to hit the theaters, so to all the women who have seen it or are going to... how the heck do I get my wife to go when it's not her kind of movie? Hot guys in next to nothing? :laughout:

gunner 03-13-2007 12:09 AM

I watched it at the IMAX and was really disappointed. It's a good movie, but surely nothing to rave about. The plot/storyline is about as thick as a Dr. Suess book.

If you like Frank Miller, check out Sin City instead.

Evil Chris 03-13-2007 08:39 AM


Originally Posted by gunner (Post 120622)
I watched it at the IMAX and was really disappointed. It's a good movie, but surely nothing to rave about. The plot/storyline is about as thick as a Dr. Suess book.

If you like Frank Miller, check out Sin City instead.

Disappointed? What were you expecting? I knew it would be mostly battle scenes pumped up with CGI, and the execution was spot on. I liked 300 much more than Sin City to be honest.

Trouble Tonya 03-13-2007 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by Funbrunette (Post 120515)
Wow! An adrenaline-charged rush of fantastically stylish visuals, colossal battles, and gratuitously fulfilling bloodshed, 300 manages to ground itself with enough genuine heart and solemn sincerity to propel itself into epic entertainment not confined only to audiences of masculine design. 300 is the first must-see film of 2007, a mature, visually arresting cinematic fantasy thrill-ride.

Best movie I've seen in a very long time. I'd see it again tomorrow! :worthy:

Thats quite a raving review pretty lady. I'll have to check it out for sure now.

gunner 03-13-2007 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 120626)
Disappointed? What were you expecting? I knew it would be mostly battle scenes pumped up with CGI, and the execution was spot on. I liked 300 much more than Sin City to be honest.

different strokes I guess.

300 wasn't terrible, it just wasn't really that great. It would've been better if they'd added some more beheadings... I only counted 4 :geez:

Funbrunette 03-13-2007 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by gunner (Post 120661)
different strokes I guess.

300 wasn't terrible, it just wasn't really that great. It would've been better if they'd added some more beheadings... I only counted 4 :geez:

Did the buff guys make you feel funny inside? :laughout:

wildgirl 03-14-2007 10:43 AM

sounds great...I have to watched it :)

gunner 03-14-2007 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by Funbrunette (Post 120662)
Did the buff guys make you feel funny inside? :laughout:

If I wanted to watch gay porn, I'd simply open a new browser window. I watched the movie as a drama, but maybe you're right, I might have enjoyed it more if I'd brought some lube.

I workout with a couple guys who are bigger and more buff than anyone in the movie... on a daily basis. Lucky me :)

DonMike 03-14-2007 07:29 PM

I saw it last night at IMAX and I thought it was incredible. I have to laugh when people say it's got no plot. It's based on a graphic novel that was based on the Battle of Thermopylae. What more do you want? It's a movie about a battle and that's what you get. But all I know is that it basically looked like 300 gay male porn stars with swords. Like there needed to be a plot!!! For two hours it's just pecks, 6-pack abs and blood and guts. I was excited by the action and horny by the mancandy. I give it three thumbs up. (think about it)

gabrio 03-15-2007 04:33 AM

gotta go watch it

GoodKisser 03-15-2007 11:02 AM

have seen it in a premier night and i really really really liked this movie. and i agree with you FB, it's yet the best film for 2007......more to come ;-)

Kenny B 03-16-2007 03:07 PM

Good movie but hardly best movie ever. For women who like to look at half naked men fighing and doing man things, go see the movie!

teenytricia 03-19-2007 11:56 AM

I'm such a loser! I haven't seen it till now ...

Simon IA Cash 03-19-2007 01:21 PM

I dunno, I didn't really like it very much at all, less the more I think about it. Ok, they had some funky lighting sometimes and good camera filters, but goddamn this film of unrelenting insecure machismo was as much art in its content as is Maxim magazine. There was little to it, and the least they could do was have some decent fighting/action. You get sick of brown-speedo-wearing dudes doing the same move again and again and again. Block with shield, pirouette like a ballerina, slice. Block with shield, pirouette like a ballerina the other way, slice. It was the kind of film where after many scenes you'd expect a bunch of ten-year-old boys to scream in unison "aweeesommmmmmmmmmme". Pretty much a waste of time. Not to mention the non-action parts, where there was so little character development that it was just about impossible to care about what happened to them. But I guess I'm the minority here. :D Looking forward to it becoming an iconic film for the gay community.

glad2beme 03-19-2007 01:40 PM

thanks for the feedback.. any feedback about the movie "pathfinder"? thanks..

Way3 03-19-2007 01:41 PM

We finally got out and saw it! Let's just say that I thought it was Good and worth seeing. I didn't leave the theatre raving about it though. :)

Kenny B 03-19-2007 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by Simon IA Cash (Post 120899)
I dunno, I didn't really like it very much at all, less the more I think about it. Ok, they had some funky lighting sometimes and good camera filters, but goddamn this film of unrelenting insecure machismo was as much art in its content as is Maxim magazine. There was little to it, and the least they could do was have some decent fighting/action. You get sick of brown-speedo-wearing dudes doing the same move again and again and again. Block with shield, pirouette like a ballerina, slice. Block with shield, pirouette like a ballerina the other way, slice. It was the kind of film where after many scenes you'd expect a bunch of ten-year-old boys to scream in unison "aweeesommmmmmmmmmme". Pretty much a waste of time. Not to mention the non-action parts, where there was so little character development that it was just about impossible to care about what happened to them. But I guess I'm the minority here. :D Looking forward to it becoming an iconic film for the gay community.

Thanks for the review Ebert, get back to work!

daisyswank 03-20-2007 11:35 AM

I gotta see that!!!

DonMike 03-20-2007 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by Simon IA Cash (Post 120899)
...but goddamn this film of unrelenting insecure machismo was as much art in its content as is Maxim magazine. There was little to it, and the least they could do was have some decent fighting/action. You get sick of brown-speedo-wearing dudes doing the same move again and again and again.

Strangely enough, this is really the only reason I went to see it. :laughout:

Now tell me if they made a similar movie about amazonian women fighting a battle in little more than torn animal skins with their perky breasts bouncing and their nipples poking up over the edge of the skins, a well oiled sheen across their nubile young bodies you wouldn't be in the front row? Hmmm, come to think of it, I'd go for that, just for the camp value alone. LOL!

Panky 03-20-2007 02:51 PM

I saw it last night. It wasn't terrible. It just reminded me of watching a computer game. I would've liked it better if it were more raw. Sure, the men were pleasing to the eye, but I couldn't get into any of the characters. I could've cared less if they lived or died. It was like a video game, except I was just an observer and not a player. Some movies you get into where you actually begin to like or hate characters and you feel something. 300 just didn't have that. It was a good movie. I just don't think it lived up to all the hype.

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