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She Devil 03-12-2007 06:35 PM

This one is for everyone who ..

a) has kids, b) had kids, c) was a kid, d) knows a kid, e) is going to have kids.

I was packing for my business trip and my three year old daughter was having a wonderful time playing on the bed. At one point she said, "Daddy, look at this," and stuck out two of her fingers.

Trying to keep her entertained, I reached out and stuck her tiny fingers in my mouth and said, "Daddy's gonna eat your fingers," pretending to eat them. Went back to packing, looked up again and my daughter was standing on the bed staring at her fingers with a devastated look on her face.

I said, "What's wrong, honey?"

She replied, "What happened to my booger?"

TheLegacy 03-12-2007 06:47 PM

oh that was good :)


SilvercashJeanette 03-12-2007 06:58 PM

Lmao! Awww...how cute!

student4ever 03-12-2007 07:32 PM

:laughout: :laughout: :laughout:

nope... nope... never had anything like that happen...

Way3 03-12-2007 10:44 PM

LOL :laughout: :laughout: ...Only parents can truly appreciate this joke! Thanks for sharing!:)

Cyndalie 03-13-2007 09:12 AM

Brian loves it when I do that to him!

Trouble Tonya 03-13-2007 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by Cyndalie (Post 120629)
Brian loves it when I do that to him!

HEHEHE when you eat his boogers? :) I know thats really not what you meant, but it sure seems like it could be.

wildgirl 03-14-2007 10:47 AM

lol...good one :D

lulu 03-20-2007 10:38 AM

hahaha gotta love kids!

teenytricia 03-20-2007 11:05 AM

Lmao! that was cute and funny as hell man!

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