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Funbrunette 03-16-2007 07:59 AM

Any plans for St-Patties?!?
Seems every where I look today I see green...lol People here in Montreal are really in the spirits of St-Patties day! Hey any excuse to drink beer if fine by me! :patty:


Platinum Chris 03-16-2007 08:46 AM

Haven't got any definate plans yet, plenty of drinks will be involved :D

Cyndalie 03-16-2007 10:17 AM

No plans but if the weather holds up (it's sleeting out right now) we may hit a bar or two and partake in the libations

Way3 03-16-2007 10:40 AM

Gonna wear green for sure (don't want to get pinched) and the neighbor is having a block party! :glugglug:
Hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable weekend!

Magnus3x 03-16-2007 10:46 AM

Dh and I are gonna get blind stupid drunk.. go home shower and then hit the bars.

Evil Chris 03-16-2007 11:35 AM

If the weather is ok... maybe we'll go downtown for the parade for an hour or so.

lovelycyco 03-16-2007 02:33 PM

I'm gonna start my weekend by going downtown and searching for some naughty irish boys celebrating early:laughout:. Plus E! will be filming here. As for tomorrow??? I still don't know but I'll be following a Guinness all day tomorrow.

DonMike 03-16-2007 02:51 PM

I'm embarrassed to say that I forgot it was even coming up. I have no plans. But our local leather bar is having it's monthly rubber night, so I might get all slicked up in my best rubber and go out.

Not that it really has anything to do with St. Patty's day, but at least I'll be going out. LOL!

Slippery 03-16-2007 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by Magnus3x (Post 120804)
Dh and I are gonna get blind stupid drunk.. go home shower and then hit the bars.

Green beer? :)

Evil Chris 03-16-2007 10:28 PM

I never really bothered with green beer on St Patrick's day.
Typically I'll drink some Guiness or Kilkenny instead! :patty:

Magnus3x 03-19-2007 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by Slippery (Post 120839)
Green beer? :)

Never.. I drink the black stuff to start then I drink NewCastle Brown Ale.. it cures what ails ya.

My god it was a rough ride Sunday though.

student4ever 03-19-2007 03:58 PM


I drink the black stuff to start then I drink NewCastle Brown Ale
oh thank goodness I'm not alone!

my wife asked if she should pick up some green beer for me... I told her I'd take care of it - Guiness. Of course... then she tried to put it in the fridge for me... :bonk::bonk:

Evil Chris 03-19-2007 04:26 PM

St Patricks was a bit of a bust here. It was crap weather and nobody felt like going out to the parade.

teenytricia 03-20-2007 11:35 AM

no plans yet ... but I'm sure sumthins gonna come up, it always does ...

dyonisus 03-20-2007 12:47 PM

There was green beer in my evening...

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