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Pidgin 02-02-2003 07:47 AM

> Coming soon.. A shocking chat-log with..
What do you think??
Im about to quote a chat-log with a representative of a company (sponsor) that was quite "amazing" (IMHO) that left me speechless :o
I want you all to be the judge if its me who is too sensitive or there is something REALLY fucked with the attitude I was given :confused:
i'm waiting for a possible response first so hold on ;)
So should I?? :D

gunner 02-03-2003 01:16 PM

if I read your post right, you're saying you want to show us the chat
logs from a conversation between you and a person working for some
sponsor/company, because they were rude to you? If that's a correct
interpretation then my answer is no, and here's why.
I've had conversations with people via ICQ or a chat room, in which I felt I was given lots of "attitude". We all have. Take it for what it is, decide if it's worth trying to appease them, and move on. Maybe it means you won't do business with them, maybe you'll just try and deal with someone else working for that program. I always like to keep in mind, that had this person been sitting within arms reach of me, I highly fucking doubt I would've gotten the snide comments.

modF 02-03-2003 03:57 PM

I say post it, get some opinions and see if it really reads the way that you think.

pornodoggy 02-03-2003 04:04 PM

I don't know ... I've never seen much productive come out of posting chat logs. I guess it would depend on what the initial problem/question was, but I don't think I'd do it. I'd probably just find another sponsor and move on.

Darin 02-03-2003 10:00 PM

I would like to see those people sit next to Gunner and talk shit.

Gunner is one big mother fucker! :D

Pidgin 02-04-2003 07:08 PM

Gunner: You get me wrong.. I don't mean the chat with you :D That one was funny actually ;)
Darin: Indeed, I wouldn't want to piss Gunner off from an arms reach ;) Unless I got Meni protecting me :p LOL
About good coming out of it, well I can see one obvious good ;) but time will tell. The other is getting your input about if I am too sensitive or not.

gunner 02-04-2003 07:31 PM

no xxx, i didn't think it was our chat bro.
i knew you meant someone else.

maybe you could take out anything that would implicate someone, or reveal their identity and post the chat log like that.

Pidgin 02-04-2003 07:37 PM


Originally posted by gunner
no xxx, i didn't think it was our chat bro.
i knew you meant someone else.
maybe you could take out anything that would implicate someone, or reveal their identity and post the chat log like that.

Part of the idea was to expose what I think is a sick approach towards clients (or potential ones in my case).
I think attitude should be rooted out from this industry - there is too much of it (bad attitude I mean). After all we are all porn merchents ;)
I may though take his company name out like you say unless people will ask me for it.
I, for one, would like to know who are the people you guys/gals think I should stay away from and why. I will then judge for myself but i don't like to fall in a trap of temporary nicity and then realize I am dealing with a dork which managed to hide it in our first ICQ conversation.
Thats why conventions like InterNext is good - you meet with people in person and you can (to some extent) judge how they really are.

pornodoggy 02-05-2003 12:20 AM

If you post it, people will ask you who. One thing to consider before you post it is that it may make some people hesitate to do business with you in the future. Me ... I'd forgetaboutem and move on.

creaturebeats 02-05-2003 04:38 AM

post the basic of the conversation or what it was about but unless they really burned you no need to post names.

and i don't think your sensitive... good business people out last bad business people alwayz (i think)..

Pidgin 02-05-2003 10:45 AM


Originally posted by pornodoggy
If you post it, people will ask you who. One thing to consider before you post it is that it may make some people hesitate to do business with you in the future. Me ... I'd forgetaboutem and move on.
I can't see how people will hesitate doing business with me from that.
Anyone that ever contacted me (business-wise or else) knows my first line is "Hey, how can I help you" and that I am always there for helping them no-matter how big or small or green or beige they are. I wonder why you think people will hesitate and what kind of people :confused:

Vid Vicious 02-05-2003 10:57 AM


Originally posted by gunner
if I read your post right, you're saying you want to show us the chat
logs from a conversation between you and a person working for some
sponsor/company, because they were rude to you? If that's a correct
interpretation then my answer is no, and here's why.
I've had conversations with people via ICQ or a chat room, in which I felt I was given lots of "attitude". We all have. Take it for what it is, decide if it's worth trying to appease them, and move on. Maybe it means you won't do business with them, maybe you'll just try and deal with someone else working for that program. I always like to keep in mind, that had this person been sitting within arms reach of me, I highly fucking doubt I would've gotten the snide comments.

I agree with gunner, Ron you post that conversation you're just asking for trouble.

And besides .. I wasn't showing you attitude! It's just that my shit don't stink .. hee hee

-=HUNGRYMAN=- 02-05-2003 10:04 PM

PaysiteHosting is not to be held liable for Vid's actions and/or comments if he has not taken his herbal suppliments for the day ... :rolleyes:

Panky 02-05-2003 11:08 PM

You are dealing with a person. Human being. Everyone has their moments. The conversation was between the 2 of you and should stay between the 2 of you.

Business, is business. It's the bottom line that counts. Personalities don't play a major role. Use your instincts. Only you can decide if this person or company is worth doing any business with.

I could post and say, "This sponsor has increased my earnings by $200.00 a month." I could then receive 10 replies that say, "That sponsor sucks and cheats people...."

It's all a matter of personal opinion and experiences. If I'm making money from someone and can sleep at night, then I could care less if people hate that sponsor or the personality of the person I'm earning money from.

<img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/r/biggrininvert.gif" width="15" height="15">



Shann 02-06-2003 12:06 AM

I say post it, just hide their identity. If you are a client or are going to be, you have the right to be treated with respect. I try and take care of all my webmasters, sometimes I get behind I admit, but I do my best to make sure everyone is happy, regardless of how big or small they are.

Pidgin 02-06-2003 12:57 PM


Originally posted by Panky
[color=pink] You are dealing with a person. Human being. Everyone has their moments. The conversation was between the 2 of you and should stay between the 2 of you.
I agree - but what you will see from the conversation is I (as he) suggested that he/she contacts me at a later time. which he/she didn't. so its not a timely thing. Even ealing with a person - in business you should take care of that "human" side


Originally posted by Panky
Business, is business. It's the bottom line that counts. Personalities don't play a major role. Use your instincts. Only you can decide if this person or company is worth doing any business with.

Not entirely true. When you deal with a business you many times deal with the people on the other side. If they are "problematic" I better know about it. For that I need information. And I dont get it from thin air.


Originally posted by Panky
I could post and say, "This sponsor has increased my earnings by $200.00 a month." I could then receive 10 replies that say, "That sponsor sucks and cheats people...."

All things the same - if someone don't return calls for example - I bet you would want to know about that.


Originally posted by Panky
It's all a matter of personal opinion and experiences. If I'm making money from someone and can sleep at night, then I could care less if people hate that sponsor or the personality of the person I'm earning money from.

Sometimes its a matter of a right way to do business and treat people. I believe so.

As Gunner and Shann said - I maybe drom their identities (as I did so far).

But I think people have the right to know about other people in the industry. Its not a personal thing. I wasn't makng friends with him/her (the other guy/girl) - I was doing business (or trying to). So its not between the two of us.

I think so. Dont you?

Shann 02-06-2003 05:27 PM

I agree with you 100%. Unless it's me of course! rofl

Pidgin 02-06-2003 07:46 PM


Originally posted by Shann
I agree with you 100%. Unless it's me of course! rofl
... No its not :)
Actually I dont think I have seen him/her or his/her company posting on any of the boards.

Mister X 02-07-2003 09:08 PM

If it was me I'd do it this way: If it's an employee then send the chat log to whoever is in charge of making sure he doesn't act like an asshole. His boss in otherwords. If it's a boss-type person then post the logs if he was really offensive but otherwise just forget about it. Chances are in that case that people already know he's an asshole and anybody that posts anything negative about another company or person always suffers a certain amount of PR damage himself. And to be perfectly honest I usually take any such postings with a whole bag of salt. The squeaky wheel gets the grease, but only if it's squeaking in the right place at the right time.

As far as it being a private thing between 2 people as Panky suggests... That's bullcrap. (No offense Panky) It's an interaction between 2 companies in fact, not between 2 individuals. There are a LOT of people with very bad attitudes in this industry (and others, to be fair). They like to be rude and ignorant to people when they think they can get away with it. They act like super-conscientious hard workers when the boss is around and then treat customers and potential partners like shit just because they get a kick out of it. And the boss never knows unless someone tells him. In fact I would suggest bumping things upstairs to a supervisory figure even in cases where the service was polite but unhelpful. Anyone who has ever tried to do get help with a configuration problem with iBill and other companies knows what that is like. And the truth is that you will NEVER get an improvement in service if you don't complain in the first place.

Darin 02-08-2003 02:17 PM

Ron, is my toplist link working?



Shann 02-08-2003 02:19 PM


Originally posted by XXXManager
... No its not :)
Actually I dont think I have seen him/her or his/her company posting on any of the boards.

LOL i knew it wasn't me, i'm good at customer service and the only people i tell off are the ones who deserve it, and i think i've only ever some across one in over 3 years. :)

Do what you think is right XXXManager, but the public has a right to know! LOL Kidding! :)

I've worked for several companies, and when you try and go over your rep's head to their boss, chances are 99% you get the blow off. I've seen it happen many times and only once did i ever see anything done about it (wasnt' even when i worked there), but I heard.

Pidgin 02-08-2003 02:52 PM

Some of you seem to not understand me.
My main goals in this publication of the log are:
1. Getting your reaction about wether I am totally wrong and just too sensitive and that this guy/girl was polite and nice and helpful and positive.
2. If indeed I am not wrong - then to let others know about it - because I think people should know.
3. The fun of it - letting you read what I found (after getting over the shock) as amuzing

Note - I gave it atleast 10 days to cook so that the other side have time to think it through and respond AND I asked you all wether or not I should publish it and the name of the company.

I decided to mark out the company name but i think that if indeed it wasn't me who was the jerk there, people should know about it - esspecially the company itself unless he is one of the owners.
I probably will leave the guy/girl name though, so those of you which/if know him/her will be able to shed some light.

Shann 02-08-2003 06:02 PM

OK so spill!

Pidgin 02-08-2003 06:12 PM

Here it is gals and guys :)

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