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StaceyJo 03-22-2007 11:09 AM

Interesting Porn Statistics 2007 : ( LINK )

Dugmor is one of the TOP PORN PRODUCERS in the WORLD ! ! !

Pornography Time Statistics:
Every second - $3,075.64 is being spent on pornography
Every second - 28,258 Internet users are viewing pornography
Every second - 372 Internet users are typing adult search terms into search engines
Every 39 minutes: a new pornographic video is being created in the United States

Internet Pornography Statistics
Pornographic websites 4.2 million (12% of total websites)
Pornographic pages 420 million
Daily pornographic search engine requests 68 million (25% of total search engine requests)
Daily pornographic emails 2.5 billion (8% of total emails)
Internet users who view porn 42.7%
Received unwanted exposure to sexual material 34%
Average daily pornographic emails/user 4.5 per Internet user
Monthly Pornographic downloads (Peer-to-peer) 1.5 billion (35% of all downloads)
Daily Gnutella "child pornography" requests 116,000
Websites offering illegal child pornography 100,000
Sexual solicitations of youth made in chat rooms 89%
Youths who received sexual solicitation 1 in 7 (down from 2003 stat of 1 in 3)
Worldwide visitors to pornographic web sites 72 million visitors to pornography: Monthly
Internet Pornography Sales $4.9 billion

Adult Internet Pornography Statistics
Men admitting to accessing pornography at work 20%
US adults who regularly visit Internet pornography websites 40 million
Promise Keeper men who viewed pornography in last week 53%
Christians who said pornography is a major problem in the home 47%
Adults admitting to Internet sexual addiction 10%
Breakdown of male/female visitors to pornography sites 72% male - 28% female

Women and Pornography
Women keeping their cyber activities secret 70%
Women struggling with pornography addiction 17%
Ratio of women to men favoring chat rooms 2X
Percentage of visitors to adult websites who are women 1 in 3 visitors
Women accessing adult websites each month 9.4 million
Women admitting to accessing pornography at work 13%

Click Here for More Porn Stats

TheLegacy 03-22-2007 06:19 PM

way to go dug = now if someone can tell me how all this stacks up to the popularity of gay porn.. then it would become more interesting. heard alot of the pink dollar.. just not showing up in the stats

Virgule3 03-22-2007 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by stacey_JRN (Post 121125)
Daily Gnutella "child pornography" requests 116,000
Websites offering illegal child pornography 100,000
Sexual solicitations of youth made in chat rooms 89%
Youths who received sexual solicitation 1 in 7 (down from 2003 stat of 1 in 3)

Now, I LOVE porn I photograph porn, design porn web sites, etc... But when kids are mentionned, I get mad...

That should NOT exist. :(


daisyswank 03-22-2007 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by Globule (Post 121149)
Now, I LOVE porn I photograph porn, design porn web sites, etc... But when kids are mentionned, I get mad...

That should NOT exist. :(


I agree, leave kids out of it!

jackbdirty 03-23-2007 10:04 PM

You've got that right, Daisyswank. I couldn't agree more.


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