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Dirty-Girl 03-26-2007 10:56 AM

SEO Advice Needed
1 Attachment(s)
Hey Everybody, Rachel Here aka “DirtyGirl” from VirtualDirtyGirl.com
What’s Up?? Hope ur all doing great!
I have a question (an age-old question) I’m completely redesigning and overhauling my site and I want build the pages as search engine optimized as possible. I spent the weekend reading, reviewing, downloading demo seo software and testing it all. Needless to say I went to bed with a big headache, more confused than ever.
I’m managing a bunch of sites now (adult & non-adult) so I’m willing to buy a licensed seo software package if I know it’s good and easy to use. I would like to find one good solution which will help in an on-going manner (not just a one night stand) Do any of you have any recommendations? Feel free to go off topic a little if you have some related opinions. This site has some reviews - http://www.seosoftware.net/webceo
I look forward to hearing back from you all.
Kinky Canadian Kisses
Rachel Heart – aka DirtyGirl from VirtualDirtyGirl.com :heart:


Evil Chris 03-26-2007 09:01 PM

Well here's the thing with search engine optimization.
Those who know it, don't say a word about it. It's hard to give SEO advice other than to do what you've been doing (reading up on it).

I'm no expert, but page relevance is very important (in terms of who you link out to, and who links in to you) as is peppering your pages with lot's of relevant text. They say meta-tags are a thing of the past but who knows, so I tend to keep them in, and again... relevant. Do you see a keyword forming here? ;)

Best of luck Rachel.

Magnus3x 03-27-2007 10:43 AM

This link was posted here a few weeks ago and it's a SEO guy speaking at an affiliate summit. It's an hour long but I found it worth while.


Cyndalie 03-27-2007 11:27 AM

Here you go : http://www.cozyacademy.com/classrooms/traffic/index.asp
Writ by yours truly.

dyonisus 03-27-2007 11:35 AM

SEO is important and Chris has it right... IBL (Inbound Links and OBL outbound links are very important and building those link exchanges with relevant sites (sites with similar or relevant content to yours) is key. Your keywords and those being used throughout yoru site are important. METa tags are not as important true but if you dont have them and are not using them correctly it could be detrimental..

Desgining a site to be optimized also requires naming your images for search engines, writing the text well using keywords and descriptions in HTML text that pertain to your product or service and more...

Those are the condensed Cliff's /Cloe's notes... I would have to charge your for more info! lol

student4ever 03-27-2007 01:48 PM

:xthumbs: nice link there Magnus, I'll have to schedule an hour very soon to check that out.

Cynd - that is one heck of a tutorial list. there's another hour or so I'll have to schedule... :laughout:

Rachel - don't get caught up in 'SEO Software'. The guys I know that I consider SEO experts are consistent that things like that will get you in trouble with the various SE's and they are typically a waste of your hard earned cash. SEO takes time and some focus and starts with a plan for an entire site. Even once you've done a site over as well as you can think of, it can take time for your efforts to kick in with the bots - it's a competitive world out there. Read through Cynds tutorials and check out the link from Magnus. If you have questions after those, then ask away. It's not really rocket science, but it does take some focus.

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