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themistressclub 04-03-2007 03:24 PM

slave... er, website designer wanted...
Lifestyle Dominatrix in the UK (England) seeks a website designer with advanced php, css and html skills. Preference will be given to the applicant with a submissive nature and masochistic inclinations who is able to meet the above stated skill requirements. A 24/7 live-in position is available to the right candidate. On-site dungeon and many kinky projects to get underway... this role offers flexible terms but an uncompromising position. Serious applicants only.

dyonisus 04-05-2007 11:33 AM

I am guessing live in 24/7 means you have to also be in England!!!

themistressclub 04-05-2007 03:11 PM

I would like to have a 24/7 live-in web-designer, er slave... but this is a patient process, and should the right applicant present themselves from outside of England, a trial-period certainly may be arranged. The terms of this arrangement are extremely flexible and I will be patient to receive the perfect candidate for this role. This position is offered as being available in England, but remote or off-site designers may be considered. Serious applicants are welcomed to apply.

themistressclub 04-05-2007 03:23 PM

Location, Toronto?
By the way, dyonisus, I am originally from Toronto, Canada and arrived in Athens, Greece in June 2004 and have been residing in England since November 2004... I am Canadian, but I no longer have a personal/private residence in Canada... however, I will likely be returning for regular visits and hope to attend Northbound Leather's Annual gala in October of this year 2007.

Cyndalie 04-05-2007 06:21 PM

Do they have to work in a cage under the bed?

themistressclub 04-05-2007 06:44 PM

cage under the bed
A: They'd have to build the cage. Hehehe.

Seriously, terms are flexible. Some people may consider a 3-month intensive BDSM-experience in England (for example) to be a phenomenal treat. This is a real opportunity for the right candidate. www.BlueRooms.biz is where I reside in the UK and you may peruse the site to get an idea of the environment. I'm not demanding a lifetime... contract terms may be negotiated according to each applicants particular requirements.

Girls are certainly encouraged to apply, Cyndalie... ;)

Cyndalie 04-05-2007 07:37 PM

I married a designer, need I say more ? :)

themistressclub 04-05-2007 07:45 PM

Only if you're seriously applying for a position of this nature... but I suspect you are very satisfied with your current one. Congratulations, I do wish you all the best...

...but you may certainly further an application if you and your marital-partner would be interested to do this as a team-project...

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