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xcitizen 04-04-2007 03:47 AM

Chameleon daily updated database
Dear members,
Chameleon database of TGP/MGP sites on the server has been updated.

To take advantage, open your Chameleon Submitter and click (Database > Update) in the top menu.

Don't waste your time finding the individual sites yourself. Regular updates keeps the database clean as the old and non-functional sites are being cleared and the new sites are added for you. Upgrading is being made every single week day, so do not forget to update your database every day.

Check out also Chameleon Partner Account Requester, the tool that has been developed carefully to meet the webmaster's needs, which database updates regularly as well: http://www.chameleonsubmitter.com/ar.php

If you are looking to work effective, ask for Chameleon Confirmer, the simple tool that will take care about your confirmation e-mails in a matter of seconds: http://www.chameleonsubmitter.com/ac.php

Chameleon Submitter Team

URL: http://www.chameleonsubmitter.com/
E-mail: support@chameleonsubmitter.com
ICQ#: 173087451

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