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selena 04-10-2007 08:40 AM

jaYMan Cash: Do your sponsors do this much for you?
There's been a bunch of buzz about embedded FLV/videos from sponsors
recently.. These ideas have been good, but we don't think they're
pushing the envelope. jaYMan Cash brings you two killer new tools for you to cash in on-

#1 - Embedded Videos - Watermarked to your site!


We've happy to give our affiliates embedded videos for use on blogs,galleries etc - but that's not enough..
What sets our tool apart?
-> Embedded with your linkcode, if the link gets spread, you get sales
-> Watermarked to your site! Watermark the video to your brand or site -
everytime the link spreads, your watermark stays!
-> Three linking options - link to the tour, the preview gallery for
that specific video, or the join page!
-> Two display options - make the page automatically jump to your link
once it finishes playing, or make it jump on a click.
-> Videos update as often as our tours do! Generate your codes instantly!
-> Each update comes with a paragraph of text, automatically linked to
your destination of choice
-> We give you the ability to CSS format the embedded videos.

See the generation panels in action.
See what some affiliates are already
[Thanks to MrVids!]


#2 - Let OUR SURFERS promote YOUR linkcodes!

We've made EVERY preview video and EVERY preview picture on our sites
linkable / embeddable to SURFERS.
We give them the code to embed their favourite videos or pictures on
their site or blog - AND YOU GET THE SALES CREDIT!
Everytime a surfer embeds a hot photo of Raven or Liz's latest video on
their blog, myspace profile or webpage, if they were your surfer, you'll
get credit for every click and sale that they produce!


See it in action here!
To get cracking, login or signup to JaYMaN Cash - and generate your links!

It's our pleasure to keep bringing you rocking new promo tools. Don't forget the $1000 Toni KatVixen give-away this month - or the new Ladyboy
Crush Tour!

Any questions - hit me or one of the team up.

ionel11 02-24-2008 11:34 AM

i will have to try your ladyboy crush page!

keithwoo 02-24-2008 02:18 PM

Nice idea i will take a look at site

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