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-   -   I know it's late, but here are some more Vegas pics! Funny ones! (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=1780)

Shann 02-04-2003 02:37 PM

I know it's late, but here are some more Vegas pics! Funny ones!
I know it's fucking LATE but here are some more Vegas pics, mostly of us just fucking around! Dinner with the guys and their girls from Global, me drunk, oh look me drunker! lol Me with my honey, me with Shok from J4F (who i love and if he wasn't married.....!) and me in the Real World suite at the Palms! Now that (and strippers, and my hair) was definately the high light of my trip. I am a Real World FANATIC and I was so excited I called my daughter while I was at the party to tell her where I was! LOL

Check em out, late but still cool!


Evil Chris 02-04-2003 02:59 PM

I like this one... hehehehe
<img src="http://www.toolztech.com/vegas/images/P1050022.jpg">

Shann, what hotel were you and Toolz staying in? Cool decor inside...

Shann 02-04-2003 03:11 PM

LOL That was at the Venetian, we watched the house band that was just off to the side of the casino after we had dinner at the V something lol. We were hammered, a pretty FBI agent sat down and talked to us, she looked like Penelope Cruz, then a bunch of frat boys got up on stage and had a fight with the band! It was classic, all before the show started! lol

I must admit, i was fucking HAMMERED but we had a blast! :)

Evil Chris 02-04-2003 03:27 PM

I'm talking about the pics in the hotel room.... the decor isn't what i recognize from the Venetian...

Shann 02-04-2003 04:13 PM

OHHH the last set of pics are at the Real World Suite at the Palms, is that what you mean?

shok 02-04-2003 04:16 PM


I remember this was taken right before the ceiling tile fell on you

NetBabe 02-04-2003 04:27 PM



shok 02-04-2003 04:31 PM

hey its the girl that never talks to me ;)

NetBabe 02-04-2003 04:52 PM


Originally posted by shok
hey its the girl that never talks to me ;)
LOL! Hi Shok! How's Weg treating you? I don't talk to anyone all pornographers scare me. tee hee! Actually I am kinda shy, no really I am!

Say Hi to RRRED for me, the first time I met you, you probably do not remember was at the House of Blues.

shok 02-04-2003 04:59 PM

of course I remember, it was in LA and they were serving dog poo.
remember? everything looked like dog poo that they served, it was very odd.

NetBabe 02-04-2003 05:07 PM


Originally posted by shok
of course I remember, it was in LA and they were serving dog poo.
remember? everything looked like dog poo that they served, it was very odd.

Oh but it was the fancy dog poo, the stuff that costs $50 per entree!


shok 02-04-2003 05:15 PM

the appetizer everyone had was just straight dog poo, didnt even dress it up.
I had the french onion dog poo, and the filet mignon with a pile of dog poo on top.
after dinner I talked to you...maybe my breath smelled like dog poo?
aww thats why you never talk to me

NetBabe 02-04-2003 05:32 PM

Hey now Dog Poo is highly recommended at the finest restaurants in LA. *Chuckles*

Come to TO we have the best by far, I think one of the top 10 cities for dining, has some of the best restaurants around .... make the trip. I will be nicer. LOL!

Shann 02-04-2003 06:35 PM

Thank GOD the dog poo craze has yet to hit Toronto! LOL I'll pass, more dog poo for you Netbabe

Toolz 02-05-2003 02:27 AM

Whatever happened to the ones of the FBI agent who took the photos of us at the table, did she not take them, or did she swap memory cards and steal them for evidence in the ensuing Lounge Singer/Frat Boy brawl?

Shann 02-06-2003 12:03 AM

Hmmmmmmm I was wondering that. Maybe she took them with her hidden camera and not yours....... but hers had a flash too! rofl Oh oh now i'll never be able to cross the boarder!

I have her number, I should call her! She said to visit when we were in LA! lol

CumSensei 02-09-2003 08:35 AM

Cool pics...but I would like to see more nudity ;)

Shann 02-10-2003 12:04 PM

No nudity sorry, i'm in sales rofl

CumSensei 02-10-2003 12:29 PM

Not need to be you nude ;)

Mister X 02-10-2003 09:50 PM


Originally posted by Shann
No nudity sorry, i'm in sales rofl
Here's a tip: Nudity sells! :xhappy:

Shann 02-10-2003 09:59 PM

lol that's why i sell it! :) Do you think the girls giviing blow jobs in suites in vegas made more than i did? ROFL I think not. My risk of getting an STD doing sales, is also, ZERO and no spunk in the hair! rofl

CumSensei 02-11-2003 02:06 AM

Hihi....damn it we could not fool her ;)

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