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Cyndalie 04-11-2007 03:22 PM

And down she goes!
Don't you hate it when your web host disappears? Suddenly I get a refund saying "apparently liquidchain has been sold and closed" .. well thanks for letting me know BEFORE HAND so i could backup my blogs you POS!

So dartskirt.com and wildinlife.com are gone. Not that they were monetary/income interests, just hobby blogs, but I put alot of time into WildinLife - it was updated through blogger.com - so luckily blogger.com has the text backups but all the images were directly uploaded to my server and since i'm on a bout 5 different machines most of the imagry is gone...


So i'm up to the dilemma, do I rebuild or say phaqit.

I figure i'll let dartskirt down until i get the urge to start a new dartblog again and find it worthy to pay for hosting.

But WildinLife I really enjoyed updating. I think I may move it to SiteGround where I have Cyndalie.com hosted and pay the up front fee to avoid setup fee's, but I'll have to decide if I want it blogger powered again or use fantastico to setup Nucleus or Wordpress....

I know it's not a big deal, it just sucks to lose something you've vested a years worth of free time in simply because you enjoy it.

Could be worse I know... but just goes to show.. when you use cheap hosting even for side projects/personal use... you get what you pay for.

TheLegacy 04-11-2007 03:27 PM

I think rebuilding would be good. cant the wayback machine help you?

it all hasnt been lost



Evil Chris 04-11-2007 03:29 PM

Cyn, I think wildinlife is worth a re-build to begin with.
Dartskit I don't think I ever saw, so I can't say.

My blogs are pretty dusty... No updates in more than half a year.

Cyndalie 04-11-2007 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by TheLegacy (Post 122305)
I think rebuilding would be good. cant the wayback machine help you?

it all hasnt been lost



same problem -imagery is gone.

I was able to recover some of it at http://wildinlife.blogspot.com

TheLegacy 04-11-2007 03:43 PM

well cyn - you know I love going through your blogs - I'd keep them

Platinum Chris 04-11-2007 04:30 PM

Hard to say. It really comes down to if its something you still get great enjoyment out of doing.

That is one of the main reasons I have done regular CD back-ups of all my sites I've done in the past including images and coding. You just never know.

Relentless 04-11-2007 06:24 PM

I actually read your blog... which is more than I can say for most blogs.

Id say rebuild... and script a backup to avoid having to rebuild again in the future.

student4ever 04-11-2007 06:53 PM

that just sucks Cynd - really sorry to hear about that. I enjoyed wildinlife.

I'd say rebuild in all that spare time you've got. LOL

Cyndalie 04-11-2007 08:29 PM

Well http://cyndalie.com is still up

and I started playing with http://12clickscash.blogspot.com for shits and giggles :)

Funbrunette 04-11-2007 09:27 PM

That's no fun...I agree that you should "rebuild" you'd be surprised with what you come up with next! :) Change can be good...Good luck hun!

Cyndalie 04-12-2007 12:22 PM

Thanks, I think I will. I wanted to make wildinlife an online journal of wildlife encountered and documented in daily life. I may need to custimize a cms for it but if i have ti time to do it right, my idea should develop uniquely and nicely.

lulu 04-12-2007 09:40 PM

that's shitty. like many here, i say rebuild wildinlife, you seem to really enjoy it. i like the info you put on there.

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