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-   -   The 2much 10th Aniversary Binery Birthday Bash, pics from F.U.B.A.R. (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=17854)

JFK 04-16-2007 08:02 PM

The 2much 10th Aniversary Binery Birthday Bash, pics from F.U.B.A.R.
Boy, these guys from Montreal sure know how to throw a party,check out the pics and see for your self. Thanks for the invite guys,had a great time !

MediaGuy 04-16-2007 08:24 PM



This was a great party and we're glad everyone who did helped out, even if they didn't come they added some publicity, some mention, even a sponsor or two.

People, we'll remember our Tenth Anniversary for what it could only be - the only one of its kind we'll ever have...


JFK 04-16-2007 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by MediaGuy (Post 122604)


This was a great party and we're glad everyone who did helped out, even if they didn't come they added some publicity, some mention, even a sponsor or two.

People, we'll remember our Tenth Anniversary for what it could only be - the only one of its kind we'll ever have...


Yeah baby:worthy:

globofun 04-17-2007 12:07 AM

How can we get the pictures Julius? (can't save them anymore?) :(

MediaGuy 04-17-2007 01:00 AM


Originally Posted by globofun (Post 122609)
How can we get the pictures Julius? (can't save them anymore?) :(

I'll give you a trick, Globo - don't right-click... just click'em, and you get the thing sans extras or nuthin'... heheh

Panky 04-17-2007 01:50 AM


Originally Posted by MediaGuy (Post 122604)

"They come runnin just as fast as they can
Coz every girl crazy bout a sharp dressed man."


gabrio 04-17-2007 04:21 AM

nice photos and crazy time as usual!

JFK 04-17-2007 05:02 AM


Originally Posted by globofun (Post 122609)
How can we get the pictures Julius? (can't save them anymore?) :(

just click on the picture it self:)

Relentless 04-17-2007 08:40 AM

Pics look great!

Just a suggestion: You may want to write on the bottom of the webpage: "You can get these pictures by left-clicking on one of them and then working with the image directly" or something similar so you don't have to answer that question so often :)

Vid Vicious 04-17-2007 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by Relentless (Post 122623)
Pics look great!

Just a suggestion: You may want to write on the bottom of the webpage: "You can get these pictures by left-clicking on one of them and then working with the image directly" or something similar so you don't have to answer that question so often :)

Or you can purchase the picyure ... This is a bussiness like any other ... Do you add a disclaimer on your site that memebers can download pics to they're PC by right click on images? No, if they know good for them .. if they don't they will keep visiting the site.

JFK 04-17-2007 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by Vid Vicious (Post 122630)
Or you can purchase the picyure ... This is a bussiness like any other ... Do you add a disclaimer on your site that memebers can download pics to they're PC by right click on images? No, if they know good for them .. if they don't they will keep visiting the site.

I want to keep em coming back ;)

globofun 04-17-2007 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by Vid Vicious (Post 122630)
Or you can purchase the picyure ... This is a bussiness like any other ... Do you add a disclaimer on your site that memebers can download pics to they're PC by right click on images? No, if they know good for them .. if they don't they will keep visiting the site.

Dude, by adding these pics on boards gives JFK some more webmaster traffic and exposure!! :)

I did just that on another board, and also made a link to JFK's site.....


Thanks everyone who explained how to be a little less dumb! lol

JFK 04-17-2007 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by globofun (Post 122638)
Dude, by adding these pics on boards gives JFK some more webmaster traffic and exposure!! :)

I did just that on another board, and also made a link to JFK's site.....


Thanks everyone who explained how to be a little less dumb! lol

Appreciate the help:worthy:

MediaGuy 04-17-2007 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by globofun (Post 122638)
Thanks everyone who explained how to be a little less dumb! lol

Dude, it's not dumb it's just not directly experienced. Believe me, I KNOW you'll be around for me when I need to use a strap on and a gasmask (not to mention those latex dresses!)


JFK 04-17-2007 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by MediaGuy (Post 122653)
Dude, it's not dumb it's just not directly experienced. Believe me, I KNOW you'll be around for me when I need to use a strap on and a gasmask (not to mention those latex dresses!)


You'd look stunning in one of those latex dresses:laughout:

Jimmidean 04-17-2007 06:34 PM

Great pics and looks like everyone had a blast.
We were truly sorry to miss this one.
For some reason we had a date with customs in Tampa we had not planned for and got home to late to make it.
Looking forward to seeing you guys soon.
Jim and Jenn

JFK 04-17-2007 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by Jimmidean (Post 122676)
Great pics and looks like everyone had a blast.
We were truly sorry to miss this one.
For some reason we had a date with customs in Tampa we had not planned for and got home to late to make it.
Looking forward to seeing you guys soon.
Jim and Jenn

Sorry to hear about your date,never a good thing:geez:

MediaGuy 04-18-2007 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by Jimmidean (Post 122676)
Great pics and looks like everyone had a blast.
We were truly sorry to miss this one.
For some reason we had a date with customs in Tampa we had not planned for and got home to late to make it.
Looking forward to seeing you guys soon.
Jim and Jenn

AH, Jimmi Jimmi Jimmi.... we missed you and worried for you too :( Glad to hear all's ok man, customs sucks but at least you didn't get reservations at Guantanamo lol ...

You'll have to come by and tell us about it over steak and beer :)

MediaGuy 04-18-2007 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by JFK (Post 122684)
Sorry to hear about your date,never a good thing:geez:

Yeah, blind dates really suck that way :uoink: :guard:

Vid Vicious 04-19-2007 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by globofun (Post 122638)
Dude, by adding these pics on boards gives JFK some more webmaster traffic and exposure!! :)

I did just that on another board, and also made a link to JFK's site.....


Thanks everyone who explained how to be a little less dumb! lol

Premier, The post wasn't directed to you. It was directed to another poster (hense the quote feature) ... whether or not that you know about the right click feature is a mute point, since the post wasn't directe at you but at a post that felt it nessary to let surfers or website users (cus lets face it that's what we are when surfing FUBAR) about a feature on how to steal images off a site. My post was being sarcastic, which from the reaction on this thread worked.

Webmastering, surfing ...etc is a learning process and only with time, trial and error will we learn all the different features available to you for your surfing enjoyment.


Tiffanypreston 04-19-2007 11:00 AM

nice picture and i am sure that its been a great party :)

Evil Chris 04-19-2007 11:29 AM

Sorry I missed this one... Looks like you all had a good time!

globofun 04-19-2007 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by Vid Vicious (Post 122776)
Premier, The post wasn't directed to you. It was directed to another poster (hense the quote feature) ... whether or not that you know about the right click feature is a mute point, since the post wasn't directe at you but at a post that felt it nessary to let surfers or website users (cus lets face it that's what we are when surfing FUBAR) about a feature on how to steal images off a site. My post was being sarcastic, which from the reaction on this thread worked.

Webmastering, surfing ...etc is a learning process and only with time, trial and error will we learn all the different features available to you for your surfing enjoyment.


Sorry Bro.......I had not seen who was quoted......my bad! :geez:

I apologize, and I'm deeply sorry! :worthy:

Thanks for letting me know........... :bless:

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