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Cyndalie 04-17-2007 03:07 PM

Nor'easter...more like Nor'Sneezester
Oh damn I'm sick :sick:
Like the weather couldn't be more miserable
I couldn't feel more miserable
and to top it all off, girly time
can finallly somewhat function today
but christ, can't a girl get a break?

So I move for seasons, I want seasons...and now it looks like my first season change may go from an elongated winter right into summer. At this point I can't complain, but what in the hell happened to spring????

Evil Chris 04-17-2007 03:13 PM

Spring? It's that thing in your step when you feel better.

Looks like it's going to be a cold and wet spring this year.
We can only hope for an extended summer. Come on global warming!!!

Panky 04-17-2007 05:08 PM

One thing is for certain, we won't be experiencing a drought any time soon.

Platinum Chris 04-18-2007 11:51 AM

Sorry to hear that Cyn. Hope you feel better real soon!

I'm in pretty bad shape today as well. Having a hard time focusing on things :(

Funbrunette 04-18-2007 11:57 AM

Ah shucks I feel for you! Hope you feel better, sounds like you need some TLC and some YOU time! :)

TheLegacy 04-18-2007 12:04 PM

something I have learned from being married for so long to a woman who happens to be in this state of mind that I would like to say and share with you cyndalie.. hoping that although it may not make you feel better, it will help you feel more in control...

" your right ".

lulu 04-18-2007 04:35 PM

rob - "you're right". too funny

12 clicks is working you too hard cin.

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