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WEGRuth 04-17-2007 03:57 PM

IMAGE FREE/TEXT ONLY Multisite Ads from WEGCash!
WEGCash has had a bunch of Multi-Site Ads targeting our top performing Join4Free and Paysite tours available for a while.

Now, due to increasing demand for Text Only, Image Free ads we have just introduced some brand new Multi-Site Ads that are completely IMAGE FREE!

Check them out here:

EZPass Free Trials

Join4Free Classic

Join4Free V2

The above links are Console Free, you can change them to Console by switching 'nocons' to 'cons'. In addition, you can replace 'yourWEGID' with your actual WEGCash ID and load them into your site and start promoting them straightaway!



Join4Free Classic pays between $1.15 and $2.00 per direct signup, and between $0.90 and $1.75 per direct signup for console free tours.

Join4Free V2 pays between $1.10 and $1.85 per direct signup and $0.80 to $1.55 per direct signup without consoles.

EZPass Free Trials pays out $25 per Free Trial signup, with or without consoles.

If you have ANY questions about this or any other WEGCash promotional tool or website please don't hesitate to get in touch!

ICQ #233-854-608
Email ruth@wegcash.com

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