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TheLegacy 04-27-2007 04:34 PM

File This Article In The "WTF" Box Please

TWO teenagers who wanted to experience murder told police it "felt right" to strangle a friend and bury her body in a shallow grave beneath her West Australian home.

The 17-year-old girls, who cannot be named due to their age, today faced a sentencing hearing in Perth Children's Court after pleading guilty to murdering Eliza Jane Davis in the small coal mining town of Collie on June 18, 2006.

"We just did it because we felt like it, it is hard to explain," the other girl said.

"I knew we had wanted to kill someone before.

"We knew it was wrong, but it didn't feel wrong at all, it just felt right."

The girls planned their attack and changed into old clothes.

One of them snuck up behind Eliza as she was reading, wrapped speaker wire twice around her throat and quickly tightened it as the other held her down, trying to press a chemical soaked cloth into her mouth.

"She started not being able to get her breath, and we just kept going," one of the girls said.

"She was just yelling at us `What the f**k, what are you doing' .. `Oh you freaks, what's wrong with you psychos."


Oddly this behavior is not uncommon - and as shocking as it is I think we will find more of it as teenagers/youth simply don't give a shit anymore about anything - even themselves. Hard to believe a day may come that the rest of us may demand some sort of ethical and moral training for kids right after math class.

Cyndalie 04-27-2007 05:32 PM

Why can't kids just be normal and kill puppies and cats like they used to?

Relentless 04-27-2007 05:35 PM

If I strangled a person every time it "felt right" there would an awful lot of dead telephone marketers, toll booth workers and NFL head coaches!

Way3 04-27-2007 07:54 PM

Absolutely incredible!!! Definately filed in the WTF Box!!!! I just don't understand! I guess if I understood, I would be accepting of it! :geez:

XXXPhoto 04-29-2007 04:13 PM

If killing feels right to them, drop 'em in a pit and say "Kill each other, the winner will go free..."

Then, after one kills the other, shoot the winner and tell her "Sorry, it just feels right..."

Sarah_MaxCash 04-30-2007 08:33 AM


Originally Posted by Cyndalie (Post 123186)
Why can't kids just be normal and kill puppies and cats like they used to?

Those people that used to kill puppies and cats sometimes then went onto kill hookers and do weird things with their dead bodies.

Platinum Chris 04-30-2007 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by Cyndalie (Post 123186)
Why can't kids just be normal and kill puppies and cats like they used to?

Because parents are not allowed to discipline their children anymore.

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Magnus3x 04-30-2007 12:22 PM

Kids are desensitized to violence and lack respect for fellow humans and authority. Nothing new of course but 15 years ago a defiant teen would have talked back.. maybe threw a fist or a chair, now they are buyng guns and taking out whole classrooms, after writing the hit list and sharing them with others.

If I had a kid that said anything like the above, trust me I'de be in prison for teaching some tough love.

student4ever 04-30-2007 04:23 PM

Most of the reasons that have lead up to crap like this have been mentioned. Added to the problem is that many parents don't actually want to play the role of actually 'being a parent' - it's just to friggn' hard for them. They would rather be their kids friend or simply don't pay enough attention to their kids in the first place...

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