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Owen22 05-03-2007 11:57 AM

I'm Owen. I'm not a member of Guerilla Traffic, :laughout: but I wanted to say Hi and introduce myself anyways. I'll be working with affiliates for a site that I am sure I will plug here after it launches. :arrr:

Panky 05-03-2007 05:02 PM

Welcum to XNations! http://www.icando4u.com/smile/wave2.gif

spideriux 05-03-2007 05:23 PM

Welcome Owen !

Funbrunette 05-03-2007 06:16 PM

Hello and welcome to Xnations! Nice avatar! :)

Way3 05-04-2007 04:33 PM

Welcome to the community! :)

Mister E 05-04-2007 05:00 PM

Welcome Owen and best of luck! Not a member of G Traffic? Remeber watch Groucho Marx said, "I'll never join a club that would have me as a member."

He went on to add, "I think I'll join a club and beatyou over the head with it!"

Crazy Marxists...

Have a great w/e all!

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