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gabrio 05-18-2007 06:51 AM

Lorilustnews.com - stealing traffic, tables and links

does anybody know who runs http://www.lorilustxxx.com/ and http://www.lorilustnews.com/ since i have found out that they are copying my tables on www.gabrio.com (see the bottom of http://www.lorilustnews.com/), linking to my script pages, linking to my trade script and all...and you will see what i mean, of course the registrar of the domain is fake since i made a whois lookup and emails bounced back..

if anybody knows how to contact reach, please let me know immediately.

thanks a lot

Email: gabrio@teamperfecto.com
Icq: #132516819
Msn: gabrio@teamperfecto.com
Skype: gabrio_81
Mobile: +393356929084
Aim: gabriolinari81

Evil Chris 05-18-2007 10:00 AM

go get 'em Gabrio.... or at least take it as a compliment. :)

gabrio 05-18-2007 10:32 AM

heh yeah ill try

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