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LAJ 05-18-2007 01:29 PM

Cybernet Expo 2007 Online Registration Ends May 26th
May 18, Tampa, FL -- As the 10th anniversary of Cybernet Expo draws near, time is running out to get your show badge and hotel room at the lowest rates available. The exclusive event at the Hilton Westshore Hotel in Tampa, Florida, June 7-10, the few remaining hotel rooms are only $139 / night and early online registration (which ends in ONE week) is still currently only $159. Please visit https://cybernetexpo.com/registration.php and http://www.cybernetexpo.com/hotel.php today to take advantage of the low prices while they are still available.

Show owner Fay Sharp states, "This year's show is really shaping up to be another great one. With a full schedule of fun parties, great networking opportunities, and informative seminars featuring very qualified speakers, our theme of combining business with pleasure with affordability in a comfortable and intimate environment still holds true to this day after doing the show for so many years. In addition, since keeping the show fresh is always one of our many challenges and priorities, I'm thrilled to add that a significant portion of registered attendees are first timers, newbies, locals, and non U.S. based companies."

We are also proud to announce that keeping in the tradition of Cybernet Expo with the tremendous amount of support from a large number of sponsors and exhibitors, TrafficDude has picked up the last available major sponsorship for the show as the "Hospitality Sponsor" at this time, and only a couple of marketing opportunities remain. To see a full list of all show sponsors and exhibitors, please visit http://www.cybernetexpo.com/sponsors.php and http://www.cybernetexpo.com/exhibitors.php

About Cybernet Expo

Founded in 1998 by Tradeshow Productions, Inc., Cybernet Expo set the industry standard early on for trade show networking and business opportunities for serious-minded Webmasters. Now coming up on its 10th year, Cybernet Expo continues to provide a professional and laid back atmosphere to maximize marketing and ROI for attendees and sponsors alike. Whether you are the CEO of a large company, or a first time webmaster, Cybernet Expo has something to offer everyone.

Fay Sharp or LAJ - faysharp@comcast.net or jay@ynot.com

Evil Chris 05-18-2007 09:34 PM

Like Fay says.... ya snooze, ya lose! :)

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