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sitepro 05-19-2007 04:30 AM

Sitewide Advertising on XXXLinkReview.com
I am looking for webmasters to help up promote my new free online TV on PC software.
This a virus free download verified by DOWNLOAD.com for visitors offered in good faith that they will recommend our software to others since it is at no cost.
I am also offering my " Top 10 Download " rated at CNET and DOWNLOAD.com to visitors simply for recommending us to others!
QUALITY Software! No-Adware / No pop ups / No games or gimmicks!
I am willing to trade site wide advertising on over 3000+ pages.
I am looking for only quality trades here and am willing to offer those who can send this quality, the most advertising possible on XXXLinkReview.
If you are interested already :
1) Take a second to visit http://www.easytvonpc.com/links.html
2) Grab one of our small banners, which are pre-coded so you simply copy and paste!
3) Place the link on a page that will receive the most traffic possible of course!
4) Send an email (Subject e-mail " tvonpc xxxlr trade ") to advertising@xxxlinkreview.com with the information on where the link to http://www.easytvonpc.com can be found, how much traffic this receives estimated. Please be honest, we monitor traffic closely.
5) We will have you sponsored within hours in most cases. You will be sponsored for the life of our QUALITY PLACED Ad on your website.
5 easy steps to relevant adult traffic from every page on XXXLinkReview!
Help us promote our new free quality download and get sponsored on XXXLinkReview!

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