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Cyndalie 05-21-2007 08:59 AM

Back from Canada
It's nice to know Canada is a smart enough country to view me as a threat, forcing me to go through secondary questioning in customs upon entering the country. Evidently there are enough cuties in the country and they wanted to make sure I'd be leaving before I caused any serious harm.

Secondly it is nice to know that Canadians cannot cook decent food to save their lives. This is a great way to fight obesity.

Thirdly, it's nice to know that Canada makes the absolute worst tasting smokes in the world. This is a very smart way to get people to quit smoking.

Finally, the show was fun - 12clicks showed me I have much to learn in the way of cutting to the chase and dealmaking. It was a good trip, I did some coverage for AVN who had these great newsletters of daily (printed) show news that was well put together. The semiars were pretty good and the show, while small compared to most, was a great group of quality people.

It's good to be back home!

TheLegacy 05-21-2007 09:58 AM

thats why we have so many hotties here in Canada - we make it difficult for them to leave. Also, that is why we don't really have too many fat women up here, since we make the food as unappealing as possible - ego - super models live here - third, yes - we put as many chemicals in our smokes since those that have the nasty habit we want to have dead rather than us suffering with them on our health care system. Sort of thinning out the herd so to speak - which brings me to one of the few people who know how to thin out a herd fast to get right to the head cow, figure thats how he hired you - but I agree 12clicks certainly knows his stuff

student4ever 05-21-2007 01:26 PM

at least the show was fun, glad that went well!

Relentless 05-21-2007 03:19 PM

Glad to hear you made it home safely from our terrible neighbor to the North :P

Post the links to the AVN articles if you can, I'd like to see what I missed (other than the customs interrogation) haha.

Cyndalie 05-21-2007 03:52 PM

2 were printed in the daily show newsletters (traffic & CMS seminars)

These 2 writ on Friday were put online

Adaptability Brings Sustainability - State of the Industry

Payment Processors Wax the Bottom Line

camsales99 05-21-2007 05:20 PM

DuMaurier for life! Vive la Canada

Funbrunette 05-22-2007 07:30 AM

I'm so sorry I missed the show, but it was too close to our trip to Cuba. Sounds like you all had a GREAT time. I'm sure it wasn't the same without me...lol :laughout:

Platinum Chris 05-22-2007 09:36 AM

It was a good time all around.

I regret not being able to spend a bit more time with you Cyn. Something we shall have to remedy at another show :)
Of course, 12clicks was was supposed to call me, but I guess he felt he'd be betraying Evil Chris' love.

TheLegacy 05-22-2007 09:44 AM

it was good talking to you Chris, and please pass along our love to Dave who tearfully I'm sure opened his home to a scary bunch of perverts who would think nothing of getting into his wine cellar then humping his leather couch

Evil Chris 05-22-2007 11:39 AM

Cyn, where did you eat that the food left a bad taste?

As for the smokes, I'm surprised because I always thought the cigs up here were some of the best anywhere. I used to smoke DuMaurier myself.

Cyndalie 05-22-2007 11:58 AM

Mostly in the hotel. Namely Breakfast. Everything tasted a little bit 'off'.

The smokes, were Canadian versions of American cigs that tasted about 3 weeks stale.

Platinum Chris 05-22-2007 02:26 PM

See, now you gotta go kick 12clicks in the nads. I was offering to have lunch on Friday with you 2, at a good restaurant, with good food.

Not that $10 for one egg hotel restaurant :laughout: :laughout:

Evil Chris 05-22-2007 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by Cyndalie (Post 124157)
Mostly in the hotel. Namely Breakfast. Everything tasted a little bit 'off'.

The smokes, were Canadian versions of American cigs that tasted about 3 weeks stale.

The hotel breakfast I can't comment on but I'm sure it's an isolated thing. I have been around and can honestly say that Canadian cuisine holds it's own. It's ok.

As for the cigs... well bear in mind that even the US brand smokes are made in Canada by Imperial Tobacco. Kinda like how Budweiser is brewed up north here by Molson (which mades it better than your own) LOL

Mister E 05-22-2007 04:39 PM

The $15 Salad
And, for those of us based in Toronto, what a pleasure it was to meet our good neighbours from around the block such as Platinum Chrisand Python's Jonathon. Got to say hi to The Legacy...will NOT play Trivial Pursuit with him!

I also had the pleasure of meeting the infamous "I'm on a deadline" Cyndalie who I understand is married to a 2nd Dan Tae Kwan Doe Black Belt. I guess that means she's taken!

Oh yeah,I have lived here since We Invented Punk Rock...(okay we tied with the Ramones...Look up Steve Leckie and thge Viletones) but never until Wednesday had a $15 Caesar Salad...

Thanks to all for making me feel like I never left the biz (to play punk rock)
and.will never leave again, I'm in the Life for life now....

And speaking of the Vatican, guess who was in the conference room next to us...The Catholic Teachers Association but of course...:bless:

See you all in Florida this August...Azure Cash's Jay G says we can crash at his place where a Caesar Salad only costs $10....

SykkBoy 05-22-2007 05:19 PM

Two great food dishes worth going to Canada for:
smoked meat sandwiches (er, ok, Montreal)

12clicks 05-23-2007 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 124190)
The hotel breakfast I can't comment on but I'm sure it's an isolated thing. I have been around and can honestly say that Canadian cuisine holds it's own. It's ok.

I've never, ever had a good breakfast in canada.

And dinner at Bymark was good, not great.

12clicks 05-23-2007 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by Platinum Chris (Post 124178)
See, now you gotta go kick 12clicks in the nads. I was offering to have lunch on Friday with you 2, at a good restaurant, with good food.

Not that $10 for one egg hotel restaurant :laughout: :laughout:

and you, young man......I called. couldn't get thru. dead air.
figured I'd see you somewhere.

where you shacked up in your room with that cute guy I saw you talking with? ;)

Evil Chris 05-23-2007 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by 12clicks (Post 124224)
I've never, ever had a good breakfast in canada.

Hold on... I suppose you are a big fan of the breakfast buffet at any given Howard Johnson's?

Cyndalie 05-23-2007 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 124232)
Hold on... I suppose you are a big fan of the breakfast buffet at any given Howard Johnson's?

it's IHOP, get it right

12clicks 05-23-2007 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 124232)
Hold on... I suppose you are a big fan of the breakfast buffet at any given Howard Johnson's?

uh, no. what I am NOT a fan of is under cooked sausage that has no taste, over cooked bacon with an odd taste, and canadian bacon swimming in water.
to be fair, the omlette was excellent.

Evil Chris 05-23-2007 12:14 PM

Well, I'm not much for most any breakfast buffets, however the one at the Marriott in Tremblant was pretty good.
They had these make your own waffle machines there too.

Janell 05-23-2007 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 124248)
Well, I'm not much for most any breakfast buffets, however the one at the Marriott in Tremblant was pretty good.
They had these make your own waffle machines there too.

Chris I just got the cutest visual of you and a waffle machine~:laughout:

Vid Vicious 05-23-2007 10:26 PM

hee hee ... here's a little gift from your neighbors to the north ...


Cyndalie 05-24-2007 09:19 AM

Ohh lala!

Platinum Chris 05-24-2007 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by 12clicks (Post 124225)
and you, young man......I called. couldn't get thru. dead air.
figured I'd see you somewhere.

where you shacked up in your room with that cute guy I saw you talking with? ;)

Its all good. I was pretty rough for wear on Friday as it was. Besides, Cyn told me to bust your balls (FIGURETIVLY!), every chance I get..

Which one? :laughout: :laughout:

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