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MediaGuy 05-31-2007 12:06 PM

Now if only this is legit...

I certainly hope this is true:


This guy apparently is so proficient a spammer that his arrest and interruption will actually be apparent in our daily spam regimen...

I really hope that's the case though I find it doubtful... I have so much of that crap in even unpublished email addresses that I find it really hard to believe one spammer can be so ... "productive".

We should keep tabs or something and report on it... lol

Panky 05-31-2007 01:18 PM

Would be nice. :) So far, my spam hasn't dropped yet, but I'm not giving up hope! LOL!

Virgule3 05-31-2007 01:42 PM

Ha! Funny... When I got home, I had more spam in my Hotmail box than usual... lol!!!


Evil Chris 05-31-2007 02:34 PM

Poor guy got nailed. And he had a good thing going too. Oh well. :)

Feynman 06-01-2007 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 124841)
Poor guy got nailed. And he had a good thing going too. Oh well. :)

When you pay for internet bandwidth and transfer and someone else uses it for his own commercial purposes, it's theft. Period. No other definition fits.

When you cause perceived bad reputations because spam is sent from your machine, it's seriously prosecutable nuisance. Period.

The distinction between internet and meatspace spam is that spam is sent at the carrier and recipient and victim's expense. That abuse of ressource is theft.

No matter how you try to rationalize spam, spam use ressources paid for by someone else than the beneficiary. Thus, no matter how you rationalize it, it is theft. Like leeches suck blood, spammers suck bandwidth.

I want him scourged and impaled !

DEATH TO SPAMMERS ! :skull: :skull: :skull:

Way3 06-01-2007 10:13 PM

One down and a few hundred more to go! It's a good start though!!!

Jimmidean 06-04-2007 07:29 PM

But then I will have no mail to start my day.

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