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bcdjudo7 06-04-2007 09:18 PM

Increased Rev Share!! Increased WEbmaster Referal %!!! Increased membership Fee!!
Check it out! Rev Share increased to 60%, with an 10% for webmaster referals, and membership fees increased to $29.95. So, more money for all who promote!

You can sign up for www.povauditions.com at www.povauditionscash.com and for www.tialing.com at www.tialingcash.com!

Tialing.com also has a brand new redesign, so hope you like it!

All Exclusive content at Pov Auditions!

Any questions hit me up icq or by email! Thanks,

Tia Ling

bcdjudo7 06-05-2007 09:59 PM

hey everyone, still looking for affiliates! tia

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