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-   -   >>> The long anticipated icq chat log. Who is the jerk? (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=1827)

Pidgin 02-08-2003 04:10 PM

>>> The long anticipated icq chat log. Who is the jerk?
* I deleted the name of the company. Besides that - the chat log is untouched
* This has been 10 days ago more or less.
* needless to say I haven't heard from him since.
* This chat starts after several attempts to contact him over several days prior to this chat.

Tell me if its me (Pidgin) that is hyper-sensitive and in-fact thats a descent customer rep by your standard?
Your comments are welcome and appriciated


Pidgin 1/28/200 5:08 PM hello

Arnaud 1/28/200 7:38 PM hello

Arnaud 1/28/200 7:50 PM who are you ?

Pidgin 1/29/200 2:49 PM My name is Ron Kass
        &n bsp;   I think you are from D****s. Tell me if I
        &n bsp;   am wrong.
Arnaud 1/29/200 5:33 PM you are not wrong :)
Arnaud 1/29/200 5:34 PM I'm Arnaud
        &n bsp;   what can i do for you ?

Pidgin 1/29/200 5:34 PM I was talking to another guy with your company
        &n bsp;   and he told me to contact you about promoting
        &n bsp;   your system.
        &n bsp;   It took me quite some time to get in touch
        &n bsp;   with you :) I hope its not typical

Arnaud 1/29/200 5:36 PM i just received an "hello" from you yesterday
        &n bsp;   which i replied to
        &n bsp;   what can i do for you ?

Pidgin 1/29/200 5:38 PM I am considering becoming an affiliate of
        &n bsp;   D****s. I do though want to promote it
        &n bsp;   without creating an AVS site. only through
        &n bsp;   banners etc.

Arnaud 1/29/200 5:39 PM what kind of volume are we talking about ?

Pidgin 1/29/200 5:41 PM I will start with low volume - banner only
        &n bsp;   advertising.
        &n bsp;   My webmaster might know volumes better than
        &n bsp;   me.
        &n bsp;   If it proves to be high converting system I
        &n bsp;   may use it on XXXManager.com

Arnaud 1/29/200 5:48 PM ok let me get this straight : this is a great
        &n bsp;   opportunity for anybody to be able to promote
        &n bsp;   D*****s without an archive. At this time, i work
        &n bsp;   with 9 large volumes sites whom send me
        &n bsp;   between 2,5k and 20k daily traffic with a
        &n bsp;   conversion of 1:110 believe it or not
        &n bsp;   for 25 or more signups per day, i am
        &n bsp;   interested in helping you out.
        &n bsp;   for less, you'll create the account and you'll
        &n bsp;   do everything by yourself and you'll never
        &n bsp;   hear about me
        &n bsp;   is that ok for you ?

Pidgin 1/29/200 5:49 PM Is that an explanation or a threat??

Arnaud 1/29/200 5:49 PM that's just the way it works buddy :)

Pidgin 1/29/200 5:51 PM well. I want to test your program to see if it
        &n bsp;   is something I would like to promote for long
        &n bsp;   term. If I can do it on my own I will. If I
        &n bsp;   fail I won't promote it.
        &n bsp;   is that ok for you ?

Arnaud 1/29/200 5:55 PM fine for me dude :)
        &n bsp;   My point is that if you make 2 signups a day,
        &n bsp;   i will not be here to help you out
        &n bsp;   If you make 25 signups, that's different

Pidgin 1/29/200 5:57 PM Arnaud, you act the way you want or your
        &n bsp;   company (if its not yours) tells you to and I
        &n bsp;   will judge your system based on everything
        &n bsp;   including your attitude and support.

Arnaud 1/29/200 5:57 PM thank you very much :)

Pidgin 1/29/200 6:00 PM Now..
        &n bsp;   is there anything special I should know about
        &n bsp;   your program besides your attitude?
        &n bsp;   Like links and rules for non-avs-site
        &n bsp;   promotion?

Arnaud 1/29/200 6:04 PM i am not sure i understand your question
        &n bsp;   tell me a bit more about your traffic, this
        &n bsp;   will help me finding out the best way for you
        &n bsp;   to promote us

Arnaud 1/29/200 6:05 PM and signup here :
        &n bsp;   http://*.*.*.*/trackers/newaffiliate.php

Arnaud 1/29/200 6:07 PM and please stop talking about my attitude, i
        &n bsp;   do not have one, i am just explaining how we
        &n bsp;   work. If you are not happy with the way we
        &n bsp;   work, you are more than welcome to chek out
        &n bsp;   the competition:).
        &n bsp;   What we are offering with this system is
        &n bsp;   unique and this is an opportunity for you, not
        &n bsp;   for me
        &n bsp;   no hard feelings, just wanted to clarify :)

Pidgin 1/29/200 6:08 PM I have traffic or places I can promote
        &n bsp;   programs. I do not want to open an AVS site so
        &n bsp;   promoting an AVS system is only an option for
        &n bsp;   me if I can promote the system without owning
        &n bsp;   one of the AVS sites on it (an "external"
        &n bsp;   affiliate if you want to call it that way). I
        &n bsp;   will start with little traffic for a while to
        &n bsp;   see if I think it converts well for me and if
        &n bsp;   I think it is I will grow from there.

Pidgin 1/29/200 6:08 PM Hell of clarification!
        &n bsp;   I am honored to be given this opportunity.
        &n bsp;   Thank you.

Arnaud 1/29/200 6:08 PM no problem :)

Pidgin 1/29/200 6:14 PM Sorry for it but I was actually a tiny-little
        &n bsp;   bit sarcastic with the "I'm honored... thank
        &n bsp;   you"..
        &n bsp;   Are you sure its just me? Or is something
        &n bsp;   wrong with your attitude?

Arnaud 1/29/200 6:18 PM i would propose to start all over again in a
        &n bsp;   couple of hours or tomorrow as this conversion
        &n bsp;   obviously does not lead anywhere. I am not
        &n bsp;   sure we are on a good field to make the best
        &n bsp;   possible business together.
        &n bsp;   What do you think about that proposal ?

Arnaud 1/29/200 6:24 PM it's just a proposal, feel free to tell me
        &n bsp;   anything you'd like to do :)
        &n bsp;   i am not trying to be sarcastic here, i am
        &n bsp;   just trying to find how to close this deal
        &n bsp;   professionnally

Pidgin 1/29/200 6:24 PM I think it shouldn't take you several hours to
        &n bsp;   reevaluate your attitude in this conversation.
        &n bsp;   Just check out our not-too-long ICQ
        &n bsp;   conversation history.
        &n bsp;   Then again, maybe it’s me too sensitive and
        &n bsp;   you are using a very new sales technique that
        &n bsp;   is aimed towards creating some strange/unique
        &n bsp;   feeling of awe in me (and sadly seems to fail
        &n bsp;   in that)
        &n bsp;   I'll offer you an alternative approach..
        &n bsp;   We will stop our conversation at this pint and
        &n bsp;   if you come to think you might have been doing
        &n bsp;   something fundamentally wrong here contact me
        &n bsp;   again and I'll be happy to talk about what I
        &n bsp;   came here to talk in the first place.

Arnaud 1/29/200 6:29 PM thank you so much
        &n bsp;   I'll do that
So- what do you say people?

StuartD 02-08-2003 04:28 PM

Something "dirty" about that :D

pornodoggy 02-08-2003 04:29 PM

It seems to me that you made it very clear that you wanted to to some kind of trial run before sending major traffic. After that we get ...

for 25 or more signups per day, i am
interested in helping you out.
for less, you'll create the account and you'll
do everything by yourself and you'll never
hear about me
is that ok for you ?
This is the customer service guy you are talking to, right? I'd have terminated the conversation at this point. On a particularly good day, I would have made it past there but definitely would have quit at

My point is that if you make 2 signups a day,
i will not be here to help you out
If you make 25 signups, that's different
The appropriate response (IMHO) from the guy would have been, "Well, how long to do want to run the test? What kind of help from us would you like during the test?"

StuartD 02-08-2003 04:34 PM

doesn't somone who can only get 2 signups a day need more help than someone getting 25?

Pidgin 02-08-2003 06:13 PM


Originally posted by StuartD
doesn't somone who can only get 2 signups a day need more help than someone getting 25?
And pornodoggy - As you sugested - It was a very good day for me - atleast untill this conversation ::-|

pornodoggy 02-08-2003 06:18 PM

I know of a couple of sponsors out there that don't want to mess with small operaters, and since it is their business, they certainly have the right to do it. I can even understand why. There are any number of non-adult/non-net businesses where minimums are imposed on affiliates.

My concern with this particular chat log is the guy seems to have a "fuck you - take my word for it. there's no need for a test and if you want to run one we won't support you." Like I said, I would have terminated the conversation at that point and went on about my bidnez. I would have been annoyed, for sure - but probably not ten days later, and certainly not enough to post the chat log. I'd just have put them on the "Do Business With Just After Hell Freezes Over" list.

A couple of months back a friend suggested that I contact someone regarding my participation in a program with minimums. I ICQ'd the guy, explained that I didn't think I could make the minimums but that I would give it my best shot. I didn't hear a thing back from him.

Now, the person may have never gotten my ICQ, or, since I wasn't in his contact list, may have just deleted it without reading it. If that happened, no big deal. If I were on the other end of the situation, I personally would have responded somehow, even if it was just a polite "sorry, no". That's what business people do (because the little guy who can't meet your minimums today may not always be a little guy), IMHO. Not everybody does business that way - for all I know, that may be considered "Old School" by some folks. I didn't get pissed, I didn't rant, I just moved on to the next possibility.

Darin 02-08-2003 07:30 PM

Tell us who it is, so we don't do business with this dork.


XxXotic 02-08-2003 08:52 PM

yeah that company is a joke and so is that dude. i wouldnt send him 1 signup a year with an attitude like that, i dont care if he converted 1:2

(ok, well 1:2 might be stretchin it,) :p

Masters 02-08-2003 10:25 PM

Actually any company has every right to initiate any type of support model and/or whatever degree of support levels to traffic producing Webmasters they choose.

Though I may not agree nor support this type of business and support model it is, in fact, the one that Arnaud apparently made clear is company policy. So is he wrong? Not entirely, if what he said is in fact the company's policy. Yet he sure could have been a bit more sensitive and diplomatic in his responses and the way it was handled.

Be interesting what the company would have to say about all this.

Keep on Rockin'

Pidgin 02-09-2003 12:08 AM

Hehe. Me too. Very interested what they would say. But I guess thats why I am asking you people...
Not about the guideline of large customers only - I have no problems with that. I am talking about the attitude!!!

Some quotes from what he said

for less, you'll create the account and you'll do everything by yourself and you'll never hear about meis that ok for you ?

My point is that if you make 2 signups a day,i will not be here to help you out If you make 25 signups, that's different

If you are not happy with the way we work, you are more than welcome to chek out the competition.
What we are offering with this system is unique and this is an opportunity for you, not for me
no hard feelings, just wanted to clarify
and he finishes by saying

i am not trying to be sarcastic here, i am just trying to find how to close this deal professionnally

His company will or atleast should say the same as all of you do. They may say they indeed require a minimum ammount of traffic or sales from affiliates - but saying "if you have less that ... you will not hear from us!" or "this is an opportunity for you, not for me" ????

Business aside - we are still humans!
GOD DAMN - Do you think its acceptable??

Darin 02-09-2003 12:15 AM

It's obvious, they don't know how much massive traffic you control on a daily basis.

Their loss!! Fuck'em! :D

Pidgin 02-09-2003 10:31 AM


Originally posted by Darin
It's obvious, they don't know how much massive traffic you control on a daily basis.
Their loss!! Fuck'em! :D

It shouldn't even matter man.
I think a company rep should be NICE regardless of how "big" is the person he is dealing with. This is more a human thing than a business thing but its also a business thing.
Were you ever treated in a "funny" way like this more or less, by someone from another company? What did you think then?

pornodoggy 02-09-2003 04:02 PM

It is not what I consider to be professional conduct on their part, no, but I see more of it theses days than I used to, and see a lot of it on the net than in the real world.

IMHO, they are a company that cannot take a joke ... and we all know what we should do with folks like that. :D

Magick 02-09-2003 05:05 PM


Originally posted by pornodoggy
It is not what I consider to be professional conduct on their part, no, but I see more of it theses days than I used to, and see a lot of it on the net than in the real world.

IMHO, they are a company that cannot take a joke ... and we all know what we should do with folks like that. :D

I'll take your business and you can talk to me all day ;)

ICQ 109972218
AOL IM MagicksAntics


Pidgin 02-09-2003 11:39 PM


Originally posted by Magick
I'll take your business and you can talk to me all day ;)
ICQ 109972218
AOL IM MagicksAntics

You're not gonna give us this attitude I hope :bonk:
Shit! I had enough punkass sales reps for a year :D

Mister X 02-10-2003 12:11 AM

It seems like this guy had a pretty piss poor attitude from the start. when someone icqs me for the first time I don't say "Who are you?". I say "What can I do for you?". Their company policy is their company policy but it could certainly have been stated in a less confrontational manner. He never asked anything except for what kind of volume you'd be sending. Not what kind of operation you run or what kind of traffic, just how much. And as soon as you said that it wasn't going to be a huge volume he went out of his way to say that he wasn't going to help you with anything. And the very worst thing is that he never even once asked what kind of questions you might have and didn't really answer the questions that you did ask. A VERY bad example of how to handle affiliate relations.

As an example of how things SHOULD be done: The very first affiliate program I signed up with was Gamma. About 2 weeks after that I got an icq from a rep (I think it was Ozzy) telling me that I had f*ed up the links on the site so I wasn't getting my traffic counted. And at the time I think I was sending maybe 20 clicks a day and hadn't even got a signup yet.

Pidgin 02-10-2003 12:52 PM

Mister X
Totally agree with everything you said.
I do the same. "Who are you?" is a very bad start. But that was hardly the pinnacle of our conversation - you must admit :p
I think its funny we are surprised when people are nice :bonk:
Isn't it supposed to be the other way around? atleast thats what I think.

Bruno Dickman 02-10-2003 02:25 PM

Hey Ron how goes it bro?

Dude, its amazing how UNprofessional this sales rep acted, from the beginning of the conversation untill his last sentence.

We certainly own part of our success here at Dickmans Design to our professional and friendly customer service. Our clients are our reason to live. They are our bosses. Everything we do is done to please them - This is the ONLY goal of a services provider like us. To Provide solutions to our clients, making their life easier! :)

I dont know what kind of drugs the guy was taking when he said "hey its a good opportunity for you, not for me" - he certainly never read a book about customer service. And I am sure he is not the owner of the company either - he is probably a very unhappy sales rep, trying to loose his job. :)

And please do the industry a favor, dont send a single hit to this company - they dont deserve to make money, unless they email you a very good excuse.

Take care ahi!

Bruno Dickman

jact 02-10-2003 02:31 PM

Having been involved in the customer service aspect of business for more than a dozen years now, I can honestly tell you that this guy started the conversation with a chip on his shoulder. He's an elistest, him saying it's an opportunity for you and not for them. BULLSHIT, every bit of business, be it one signup a month to 50 signups a day is an opportunity for them to line their pockets. Each and EVERY customer is gold, even if they don't end up making you a penny.

People won't talk about companies that have good customer support for the most part, but what about companies with poor customer support? People are going to talk, just like we are here. Would you want your company being talked about in such a way? If you had revealed who the company is, I would definitly not deal with them in any form.

Pidgin 02-10-2003 03:09 PM

Do you think I should get someone from that company to this thread?
Do you think I should tell you which company is that?

jact 02-10-2003 03:32 PM


Originally posted by XXXManager
Do you think I should get someone from that company to this thread?
Do you think I should tell you which company is that?

I might refer someone higher than the dick to the thread to be fair to the company, and yes, I'd tell us who it was.

twinkley 02-10-2003 04:26 PM

Hey XXXManager!

I think I know who you are talking about. I dont think he was trying to be snotty (altho it did sound that way) - I think its an honest matter of mis-communication. If I'm right about the person/company then I know he is not english and does not speak/write it all that well. That can be a big problem in this biz :)

Either way, use who you want to use.... and if you want to send your traffic somewhere, you can always send it to me hon :) You KNOW I wont treat ya bad :)


Phoenix 02-10-2003 04:56 PM

wow...that must have been a stressful coversation...i think it reflects poorly on the rep. i am suprised that he is cutting 25 joins per day deals...obviously when dealing with anyone who is paid on comission or owns their own business they will like you better if you make them more money(not the best way to say that but oh well)...but i have become friends with people who have sent me zero traffic, as they were intelligent and good to speak to...now they are making more money...and i am making money with them.

i have also been tested by some people as well...asking me ridiculous questions, and saying odd things...which i struggled through and after awhile found out, it was just a test...and now i am making good money with them....so word to the wise...you never know who you have on your ICQ

Pidgin 02-10-2003 07:00 PM

Just to make it clear, because I heard a speculation about who it is
This is NOT DirtyDollars. I am sayying that becase the deleted company name was D___S and the name of the guy was Arnaud and I was told there is a guy named that way working there. So its NOT them.

Twinkley - Its not a matter of english. Saying "for less, you'll create the account and you'll do everything by yourself and you'll never hear about me" or "What we are offering with this system is unique and this is an opportunity for you, not for me" is NOT a question of language.
Twinkley, I know you won't treat me bad cause thats just you. Not a question of language.

And Phoenix and others - The deal with the 25 signups thing is especially funny because - afaik - this company is not big.

Think if I would tell my users - "for less than 1K/day you will not hear from me and will have to help yourself. If you grow to that than I will pay attention to you". How will that sound?

Panky 02-10-2003 07:28 PM

I wouldn't post the name of the company. There could be many reps from this company who do an excellent job. People who would've handled the situation more professionally and more than likely had a much more positive, productive conversation.

I don't necessarily agree with this particular reps approach. I would just go above him and complain. Just because this rep acted in the manner he did, doesn't necessarily mean the company itself is horrible.

Give someone else a chance from within the company to work with you. Depending on how the conversation goes, will depend on if you choose to conduct business with them. If they act the way this guy did, then posting their name and lettting everyone know how they handle clients or potential clients would be fair.


<img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/r/biggrininvert.gif" width="15" height="15">



Pidgin 02-10-2003 07:42 PM

Panky: I totally agree.
Actually I already decided not posting the company name some time ago. It wouldn't be fair for the company since the guy does not necessarily represent the company's attitude (atleast I hope he doesn't).

As to the issue of the 25 thing, its as I said their right to have policies like that though I dont see how someone can work by that rule :)
If lets say I some sponsor 100K hits and make 15 sales, is it my bad and I dont deserve help? or the sponsor? hehe. Maybe ESPECIALLY then I should need help from one of them? Don't you think?? (or maybe its the sponsor who needs help :D )

I do wonder if I should bother telling the company about it - or maybe its none of my business?
BUT I would tell you not to deal with this specific guy atleast BUT since you don't know which company this is how can you avoid him? Avoid ALL Arnuad? thats silly :bonk:

twinkley 02-11-2003 10:29 AM


After re-reading the messages a couple of times, I guess you are right. Flatly saying if you cant do X amount of business for us, we dont want your business at all is pretty stupid. I mean, how many webmasters can really push that kind of traffic through many sponsors let alone 1.



Magick 02-11-2003 11:02 AM


Originally posted by XXXManager
You're not gonna give us this attitude I hope :bonk:
Shit! I had enough punkass sales reps for a year :D

Me? Have an attitude? hehehehehe


Pidgin 02-11-2003 01:34 PM

News update :D
Just talked to the "president/owner" of the company.
Sent him the chatlog and he said he will talk to the guy which is apparently as the owner says the guy "doing the marketing, taking care of the traffic and stuff like that". ( I'd say he really takes care of that alright ;) )

Anyway - The bottom line is...
The company will remain anonymous as should be. The matter in resolved as far as I am concerned. My hopes and belief is its not the company's attitude.

(just beware of the "Arnaud" ;) )

Darin 02-11-2003 10:12 PM

I say you bitch slap him at the next conference :)


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