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moreniche 06-08-2007 12:01 PM

Earning More from Your Members Area
Do you own a dating (or similar) members area?

If you do, then I have an idea that has already been implemented on several other members areas which has brought in some serious cash for those webmasters.

The content is already written and all you have to do is upload it and it will start converting for you.

Why leave money on the table? The content is written in a way that sells but also informs the surfer so that it looks like you are adding value for your members rather than trying to get more cash from them.

Hit me up if you are interested and we will get the show on the road! :)

ICQ: 236-681-542
MSN: paul@lativio.com

student4ever 06-08-2007 12:15 PM

does this have to do with what is in your sig?

Casa Nova 06-08-2007 12:40 PM

Shouldnt this be in Spam?

student4ever 06-08-2007 01:07 PM

it's sure on the edge for me... without specifically mentioning what the program is, it's not blatant, but everything else would say spam...

TheLegacy 06-08-2007 02:31 PM

Im waiting for chris or funbrunette to make the call on this one. I have no idea if they are a sponsor or not - but turn into the news and watch Paris go back to court in tears.. some fun entertainment there

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