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Orion Dollars 06-17-2007 06:52 PM

Orion Dollars - fresh Matures Partnership program.
Orion Dollars is brand new and actively developing partnership program. Great converting niche and reality sites, high-quality and exclusive content, real-time statistics, load of promo materials will serve you to make real money!
Our program offers you 50% to 65% of signups and rebills revshare, 5% referral, bimonthly payouts, console free sites.
Niche: Drunk Mature / Granny
Paysites: Drunk Old Sluts
Programs: 50% to 65% RevShare и 5% Referral
Payments: Fethard, E-passporte, Webmoney, Wire. More info here: http://www.oriondollars.com/terms.html
Constantly added promo content: Banners, FHG, FHS.
Support language: English
Load of exclusive DVD-Quality (640x480) realty video and crystal clear hi-res 3072x2048 pictures for surfers.
Contacts: http://www.oriondollars.com/contact.html


Orion Dollars 07-17-2007 06:01 AM

We have started our free hosted blog:

and RSS feed:

Repace affiliatecode with your Partner ID

Good luck!

Orion Dollars 01-26-2008 07:19 PM

New paysite in Orion Dollars affiliate program.

Hi everybody! We have started new paysite in MILF niche: DrilledMILF.com

Movie FHG:

We have a nice blog too if you've forgot! :D
RSS feed http://drunkmaturesluts.com/feed/?id=affiliatecode
Free hosted blog http://drunkmaturesluts.com/?id=affiliatecode

Replace affiliatecode with your Partner ID

Banners and other promo-goods are in process and will be added soon. Watch our announcements.

Our next paysite will be finished in february and no cataclysms, hurricanes, financial services troubles won't prevent that!

Good luck in new year!

keithwoo 01-27-2008 04:27 PM

How long is average membership. I am looking for high retention rev share programs for new sites.

Orion Dollars 01-28-2008 07:31 PM

keithwoo Average membership is about 2 months.

Orion Dollars 01-31-2008 05:57 AM

Updated payments info: E-passporte, Wire transfer, Cheque. More info here: http://www.oriondollars.com/terms.html

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