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Kenny B 06-18-2007 03:14 PM

IA Cash Launches BangingWhitey.com
IA Cash announces the launch of BangingWhitey.com, an all-exclusive interracial site with a twist. Unlike the majority of interracial sites that feature black guy on white girls, BangingWhitey.com shows the sisters some love with high quality videos of black girls on white guys.

We feel BangingWhitey.com has great potential and explores a very unsaturated niche. If the name sounds familiar it’s because Banging Whitey was previously owned and operated by Pimp Dust. We have recently acquired two of their flagship sites and are bringing them back with a fresh look, fresh content and frequently updated promotional material for affiliates.”

Hosted promotional material for this site has already been added to IA Cash’s affiliate area. For any webmaster who would like custom promotional material to match their site design, we designers available to supply any tools required.

You can watch a trailer here.

For more information on BangingWhitey.com, IACash.com or how to set up a free hosting account, contact:

Kenny B!
icq: 53-962-376
Toll free: 866-735-8805


icq: 231-421-229
Toll free: 866-735-8805

Evil Chris 06-18-2007 04:08 PM

Kenny, congrats on the new site! :)

Vid Vicious 06-18-2007 04:52 PM

DAmn THat gave me wood!!

BruceMiller 06-18-2007 05:19 PM

Another great site Kenny, Congrats on it!!

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