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Mister X 02-09-2003 10:57 PM

Which city is THE porn capital?
I'm heading to Montreal in 3 weeks so that gets my vote! :xthumbs:

cyberpunk 02-09-2003 11:06 PM

it has to be TO everyone is here, well not everyone but most of us :)

plus we;'re playing host to www.webmastersummit.com


webgurl 02-09-2003 11:12 PM

I Vote For L.A !

Mister X 02-09-2003 11:32 PM


Originally posted by cyberpunk
it has to be TO everyone is here, well not everyone but most of us :)

plus we;'re playing host to www.webmastersummit.com


Hmm is that spam I smell? :D
Anyway TO doesn't have enough girls with sexy french accents! :p

topsmutlinks 02-09-2003 11:48 PM

I think it's gotta be Phoenix, actually. There's a ton of peeps here.

Mister X 02-10-2003 12:49 AM

I hadn't even thought of Phoenix but I guess there are some smut peddlers in AZ. :D

Easton 02-10-2003 03:56 PM

i voted for LA... but MTL is definitely a front runner for best canadian porn city... TO sucks balls, very little prodcution goes on there, so i would say MTL 1st then VAN 2nd for Canada

but LA is still the porn capital...

twinkley 02-10-2003 04:18 PM


Why isnt San Diego on there? There are a TON of people in porn out there!


Danny_C 02-10-2003 07:24 PM

Definitely not Dallas, although there seem to be a LOT of amateur girls from around here.

Mister X 02-10-2003 09:33 PM


Originally posted by Easton
i voted for LA... but MTL is definitely a front runner for best canadian porn city... TO sucks balls, very little prodcution goes on there, so i would say MTL 1st then VAN 2nd for Canada

but LA is still the porn capital...

hehe. If To sucks balls they should at least be good for the odd content shoot! :D

Mister X 02-10-2003 09:34 PM


Originally posted by twinkley

Why isnt San Diego on there? There are a TON of people in porn out there!


Ummmm. For the same reason Orlando isn't on the list. Not enough room for every possible city. :D

twinkley 02-11-2003 10:07 AM


but there arent that many webmasters in orlando..... as a matter of fact, i cant think of ANY other webmasters in Orlando....



LadySharlot 02-11-2003 10:37 AM

Well I am totally Shocked and Amazed that you didn't include "Kansas" in your list of places!!! :D

I happen to know for a fact that a TON of dirty pictures are home hubbed to here!!! Don't believe me...just ask!! :D


Lady Sharlot :-)


Mister X 02-11-2003 11:08 AM


Originally posted by twinkley

but there arent that many webmasters in orlando..... as a matter of fact, i cant think of ANY other webmasters in Orlando....



Well I think 1 Twinkley should count the same as about 100 regular webmasters. ;)

barryf 02-11-2003 02:27 PM

The porn capital of Canada?


Pidgin 02-11-2003 02:59 PM

Hey! I dont see Islamabad on the list! :cool:

Mister X 02-11-2003 11:58 PM


Originally posted by XXXManager
Hey! I dont see Islamabad on the list! :cool:
Damn it! I KNEW I forgot someplace. :mad:

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