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Evil Chris 06-25-2007 04:15 PM

Paysite owners look here
I am wondering, if you run paysites do you offer a cross sale?
If you don't, then believe me you are missing out on some (possibly a lot of) extra money.

If there is no cross sale offer on your join page, then the money simply cannot be made in the first place. So by doing it, it is just like picking money up off the ground. Found money so to speak.

If you are processing with CCBill, and are interested in making more money, get in touch with me as I have a very interesting deal for you. :money:

Cyndalie 06-26-2007 11:47 AM

Bump for a great opportunity!

Chis how much of your sales can be xsales with CCBill? Do you know?

Evil Chris 06-26-2007 02:06 PM

I don't think I understand what you mean.
I know there is a minimum amount of $ you need to be making (as a client) before you can start cross selling. I believe it is $2500 per week.

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