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Katlicious 02-10-2003 10:18 AM

Who Will Be My Valentine?
I hope everyone has a wonderful Valentine's Day.

I personally am depressed each and every Valentine's Day. I've been single so long it's ridiculous. I have to watch and listen to my friends get all excited over their fucking gifts from their boyfriends. blah, blah, blah! Can someone please just send me a Valentine for one Gosh Darn Valentine's Day!:(

silverway 02-10-2003 10:32 AM

It's the same for me. I think I never had a valentine in all my short life.
The life is cruel sometimes with us.

Katlicious 02-10-2003 11:31 AM

You got that right. One of these days I'm gonna be singing a different tune, but in the meantime I'll continue to play my hilarious cruel jokes of crank calling couples on Valentine's Day! j/k, (but I do get tempted)

sherie 02-10-2003 11:57 AM

Hey! I thought that you were dating someone? :(

Katlicious 02-10-2003 12:24 PM


Originally posted by sherie
Hey! I thought that you were dating someone? :(
Unfortunately I haven't dated someone in awhile. There is someone I like though. Do they feel the same way. That will have to be determined later.

XxXotic 02-10-2003 01:24 PM


Originally posted by Katlicious
Unfortunately I haven't dated someone in awhile. There is someone I like though. Do they feel the same way. That will have to be determined later.
sail on? :D

Katlicious 02-10-2003 01:42 PM

Does anyone else feel the same as me concerning Valentine's Day or am I the only Hater?

Katlicious 02-10-2003 01:57 PM


Originally posted by XxXotic
sail on? :D

LadySharlot 02-10-2003 01:59 PM

Ahh--Katielicious, worry not hon, I DO like you back!!! :D Oh...that wasn't ME you were talking about...?!!? Oh well... :bonk:

As far as Valentines day, I typically go through the motions, but truthfully it's not a "big" holiday for me. I know that it's a Retailers Holiday, so I don't put a lot of emotional stock in it. Besides, I tell the one's that I love "I love you" nearly daily...so I don't NEED one day a year to say it. :D

But--when I did have a day-job, I'de get those cheesy grade-school Valentines and hand them out (with candy) to my co-workers. LOL That was fun! :D

Lady Sharlot :-)

Katlicious 02-10-2003 02:03 PM


Originally posted by LadySharlot
Ahh--Katielicious, worry not hon, I DO like you back!!! :D Oh...that wasn't ME you were talking about...?!!? Oh well... :bonk:

As far as Valentines day, I typically go through the motions, but truthfully it's not a "big" holiday for me. I know that it's a Retailers Holiday, so I don't put a lot of emotional stock in it. Besides, I tell the one's that I love "I love you" nearly daily...so I don't NEED one day a year to say it. :D

But--when I did have a day-job, I'de get those cheesy grade-school Valentines and hand them out (with candy) to my co-workers. LOL That was fun! :D

Lady Sharlot :-)

That's so sweet Lady Sharlot. Love you girl. It's just hard for me to get in the spirit with all these damn lovey dovey couples running around with their freakin happy go lucky attitudes on this fateful day. I'll try to see the good in it like you do. If I get any evil symptoms from being so nice on V-Day I'll have to resort to my "Carrie" Tactics. Muahhahahha:cool: :mad:

twinkley 02-10-2003 04:31 PM


I will be your valentine!! hehehehe

I cant believe you are single! You're sooo beautiful. Are all the men in Cali BLIND?!?!


Katlicious 02-10-2003 04:34 PM


Originally posted by twinkley

I will be your valentine!! hehehehe

I cant believe you are single! You're sooo beautiful. Are all the men in Cali BLIND?!?!


Your so sweet Twinkley.That's so nice of you to say. Your pretty hot yourself. I had an appt for Plastic Surgery setup for myself this weekend, now I will cancel. hehehe. I do have my eye on someone, but I'll quit saying that or they'll think I'm psychotic which I'm not. I'm just a true romantic.

And the guys in Cali are smoking some serious crack these days. They can't handle fun, fearless, females like myself. I guess in their world I'm supposed to be timid and shy, fuck that I've had enough of being reserved. If I like something I tell that person. :D

twinkley 02-10-2003 04:43 PM

Timid and Shy?? wahahahahahah oh man, its a really good thing I dont live out there then.... they would all move out! hahahaha

Dont you dare change a thing!!! hehehe you are soooo perfect just the way you are! You gotta come out to florida! I have a feeling you would go for about 2 seconds here without being picked up by a totally hottie :)


zoe_zoebaboe 02-10-2003 04:50 PM

Yeahl, Ill have to agree with Twinkley

You are a mega-babe and a great personality to match. Any guy who isnt intrested in you is a looney.

On Valentines Day pamper yourself, get some nice bath salts, bubble bath, lotion, oils, candles, and chocolate. Its a perfect day to make you feel good, so just relax and enjoy :)

Katlicious 02-10-2003 04:51 PM


Originally posted by twinkley
Timid and Shy?? wahahahahahah oh man, its a really good thing I dont live out there then.... they would all move out! hahahaha

Dont you dare change a thing!!! hehehe you are soooo perfect just the way you are! You gotta come out to florida! I have a feeling you would go for about 2 seconds here without being picked up by a totally hottie :)


Yeah I should totally come out there. What part of Florida has the most hotties?

Katlicious 02-10-2003 04:53 PM


Originally posted by zoe_zoebaboe
Yeahl, Ill have to agree with Twinkley

You are a mega-babe and a great personality to match. Any guy who isnt intrested in you is a looney.

On Valentines Day pamper yourself, get some nice bath salts, bubble bath, lotion, oils, candles, and chocolate. Its a perfect day to make you feel good, so just relax and enjoy :)

Thanks Zoe, you are hottie yourself girl. Great company too. We didn't get a chance to hang out long enough in Vegas. Y'all are gonna make blush you know that right?

twinkley 02-10-2003 04:55 PM

They are all over... but if you want one thats actually gonna treat you good, i would suggest good ol central fl.

The guys further south tend to be ..... well, involved with themselves.. **


** This does not mean all, or even a majority for those guys who live in SOFLA hehehe *smooch*

Katlicious 02-10-2003 04:59 PM


Originally posted by twinkley
They are all over... but if you want one thats actually gonna treat you good, i would suggest good ol central fl.

The guys further south tend to be ..... well, involved with themselves.. **


** This does not mean all, or even a majority for those guys who live in SOFLA hehehe *smooch*

Oooh thanks girl

<-------------------(Salivating from the mouth):D

Panky 02-10-2003 06:20 PM

HUGS! <img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/y/hearton.gif" width="16" height="15">

<img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/r/biggrininvert.gif" width="15" height="15">



Katlicious 02-10-2003 06:55 PM


Originally posted by Panky
HUGS! <img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/y/hearton.gif" width="16" height="15">

<img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/r/biggrininvert.gif" width="15" height="15">



Thanks Panky

Hugs right back.
Valentine's Day obviously is not my favorite holiday LOL

Raya 02-10-2003 09:34 PM

I think the last time I enjoyed Valentines Day I was about 15. I ignore the day all together. It's just a reason to get people to spend loads of money. I have to say I hate that. Do something special for yourself, get a massage something special, and remember the only ones that really make out that day are the florist that are making over a $100. for a dozen roses.

Katlicious 02-10-2003 09:48 PM


Originally posted by Raya
I think the last time I enjoyed Valentines Day I was about 15. I ignore the day all together. It's just a reason to get people to spend loads of money. I have to say I hate that. Do something special for yourself, get a massage something special, and remember the only ones that really make out that day are the florist that are making over a $100. for a dozen roses.
Good one Raya, thanks hun.:D

Tafkap 02-11-2003 06:55 AM

I'll be ur French Valentine if u want... and celebrate it if u come to the Amsterdam Show!!


KCJ 02-11-2003 08:32 AM


Besides, I tell the one's that I love "I love you" nearly daily...so I don't NEED one day a year to say it.
that's wot I totally agree with and Saint Valentine's day shudn't get the reason of feeling all alone and depressed only coz u didn't get one more rose bunch or another teddy bear or stuff... love is inevitable so just don't let anything get u disappointed or upset only coz at the moment it is avoiding u

CumSensei 02-11-2003 10:48 AM

There is still 3 days left to find the luv of your life :)

Go out and hunt some guys :D

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