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tomuchcash 07-03-2007 12:38 AM

sell herbal sex pills 50% commission
hi pimps, I want to share my success. Ive been promoting GENBUCKS, now for 6 months,
and have reached an average weekly income of $1000, just froM sEO.

they have awsome products like:
Penis Pills / cum pills / aphrodisiacs / herbal viagras / sex toys / penis extenders etc

payout is weekly to epass or wire, with no hold back, and comissions are
40 - 50 % including shipping!

Management and staff is always helpfull on their active marketing forum, they provide 100s of
site templates you can private lable. as well as free hosting and all the marketing tools you couls
need. They aldso have a great 3 level referral system, where you earn $1 for raw referral signups,
then 5 - 1 % on levels 2 and 3, below you.

more info look here: http://genbucks.com/?tomuchcash

thanks for your time!

keithwoo 07-06-2007 08:18 PM

Thanks i will take a look and see if i can use the program on some sites.

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